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Paul couldn't believe that this day had actually arrived. The day of his 18th birthday, the day he finally left the castle. Though to his father, the king of Rotherham, it was the day that his most useless son was finally rid of. Married away to the Prince, soon to be king, of Aquitaine.

Leaving Rotherham castle was a long memory, one that he hadn't experienced since before his fourteenth birthday. On that day... Everything changed. Presenting as an Omega was Paul's downfall, as it was for many Omega's, but for a Prince... It was disgraceful, and Jim had wanted Paul gone as soon as possible. The man was merciless.

His mother's death when he was almost 15 years old was blamed on him too, as-well the newfound shame from the people on the monarchy of Rotherham. The public of the Kingdom of Rotherham had seemed to turn on their royals, the news tabloids not failing to show their distaste to the family.

But Mary... She had been Paul's only hope. She gave Paul a sort of confidence boost after the unfortunate news. She, herself, was an Omega, and knew what it was like to be classed as shameful. Mary was too married off at 18, to his father. It was sad, but of course if she wasn't, Paul wouldn't have been born. Though sometimes he found himself wishing that he hadn't been...

Mary had got him through that phase in the beginning, though. And even though the woman was an Omega, she was still Jim's Queen, fortunate enough to have a title. Jim had wanted to lock Paul away in his bedroom chambers as soon as he had smelt the new Omega scent that had belonged to Paul, laced with the smell of fresh lavender, but Mary had forbid it.

He is still my son! Just as much of a Prince as my other son! He is not being confined to his chambers, not as long as I live!

Then in the Autumn of 1956, she passed away... Jim said it was because of the stress of having an unruly Omega son, who would not just stay in his chambers. He had caused too much of a fuss, and the woman eventually couldn't take it.

They guarded Paul's door, day and night, the only interaction he ever had being from either his younger brother Michael or someone delivering his meals. Though it was a different person every day, he hardly ever cared to see their face.

In 1957, Michael presented as an Alpha, and from then on Paul saw less of Michael too. He was too busy learning how to become the King of Rotherham, and how to be a worthy leader... A good leader was definitely needed with the press' views on the Royals getting worse.

The next two years were boring, so boring that there came a time where Paul feared he might die from boredom. But Michael still hadn't forgotten Paul's and for his 16th birthday, the 15 year old had purchased the Omega a grand piano. Michael was an Alpha, the future king, he didn't need his father or anyone's permission.

It stood in the corner of the large room, in which Paul had become very familiar with the walls of. Paul taught himself how to play the instrument, immediately being able to tell what string of chords sounded good, and what sounded bad. He noted that down, repeated them, and suddenly his boredom had been lost in the form of a new hobby.

On his 17th birthday, Michael was away. The young Alpha had duties such as travelling the kingdom, making himself known to the people. It was important that they got to know their real future king. Paul didn't mind, Michael still wrote him letters.

They welcomed me, Paulie, they really did...

But they miss you, so much. You and Mother...

They told me to tell you they're still thinking of you, Paulie.

Paul remembered crying at one of those letters, just at the fact that the outside world still remembered him... They even missed him. A part of him hoped they felt bad for him, he just wanted someone other than Mike to show him sympathy.

But they remembered him, and that did make him happy...

Then the 18th of June 1960 came around, and suddenly, everything was about to change. He wasn't going to be the restricted prince of Rotherham, who was desperate to be free... He'd be the Prince of Aquitaine, and had no say in the new marriage.

He'd considered becoming a runaway bride, a stray Omega. Creating his own little hideout in the woods that surrounded the Kingdom from twigs and rocks, hiding away there. Atleast he'd be free. But if he hadn't managed to escape the castle in the last three and a half years, he highly doubted he'd manage escaping it now, on his final day here.

Servants had been in and out all week, packing up most of his little belongings. The piano had gone the day before, hopefully being shipped over to Aquitaine for him to meet once he too arrived there. Along with his other things, of course, but he just hoped that his piano was there... It was the one thing that could still connect him to Mike once he was so far away...

On the final day, he'd been escorted away from the echoey room, which walls he'd had to bare for way to long. They'd led him down the long, red carpeted corridor, and into the main throne room. He was greeted with his father, sat on the his own golden throne. Jim looked at the Omega from on top of the expensive seat, hardly any sort of expression on his face.

Mike stood next to the King, in front of the throne which was once their mother's. The brothers both tried not to make any form of eye contact, for they both understood that they may just break out into tears on the spot if they did.

"Four years." Jim's raw, vicious voice spoke. "Four Years... That's how long I have waited for this moment..." His voice was taunting, but Paul refused to let it get to him. This man was nobody to him anymore.

The King cleared his throat, adjusting his position, looking away from the nerve-wracked Omega. He spoke up again.

"On your left is Jared." The King referred to the group of people that had slowly formed behind Paul during Jim's silence. "He will accompany you on the journey to Aquitaine. The quarter of an hour car journey to the Airport, the plane ride, the car ride to Aquitaine Castle and such..." He now sounded rather fed up.

But Paul didn't respond. He was an Omega, it wasn't his place to respond to an Alpha without being asked beforehand. Especially not the King...

Jim's eyes were on him once more, threatening.

"If you dare to play up on him, you are no longer my responsibility. Until you are married to the Prince in the next few weeks, you belong to the Queen. She will be the one to discipline you if you do such a irresponsible thing." Jim stated. "Understood, Omega?"

"Understood." Paul's small, frail voice responded. He could feel everyone's eyes on him.

"Good." The King nodded, rising to his feet and standing next to the saddened Michael. He cleared his throat once more. "Now, be gone, Omega."

There was a click of fingers behind him, and Paul immediately looked to Mike. The boy looked like he was about to burst out into tears... All Paul wanted to do was be a good older brother, run up to the boy and hug him... But the click meant that he was to pay attention to whoever had made the action.

He gave Mike a small and adorable wink, but could not look at the boy for long enough to see his reaction. Paul's face was now looking at Jared. An at least 6 foot tall man with no facial hair and shirt black hair, small sideburns. Jared turned to look at the King once more, bowing, before grasping Paul's shoulder and leading him towards the exit of the Palace.

He hadn't left the Palace in what felt like a lifetime, he barely remembered the massive gates infront of it, and how they stood tall with white pillars next to them. The black car was parked at the bottom of the steps, no red carpet or such accompanying him as it did the last time he walked down them.

However the door was opened for him, slamming shut once he had taken his seat. Jared entered through he other side, muttering for the driver to set off. Paul's gaze was focused on the front windows of the Palace, staring at them. This was his home... A place he hadn't left in years.

Paul feared everything was happening at once.

"Omega!" Jared clicked his fingers. Paul jumped. "Eyes in front at all times..."

The Omega did as told, his head turning to face the back of the head rest of the empty passenger seat. His posture was proper, and he watched the reflection of the Palace from the small wing-mirror attached to the side of the black car.

The white Palace seemed to get smaller, and just like that, everything Paul had ever known instantly disappeared from his vision.

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