25. On stage

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Jades Pov
Today was the day of our performance at the summer jingle bells ball. This is probably one of my favourite times of the year and it is always really exciting. We get to see people who we don't see often and it is always so enjoyable.

Me and the girls were backstage in our private dressing room putting all our stuff in there. We were all laughing and there is honestly no-one better then these 3 girls. It was 11am so we had ages left before we had to start getting ready for our performance which was at 7pm. We said hi to some singers which we had met previous years but didn't socialise with many others. We sort of just stuck together and didn't leave eachother sight.

Perries Pov
It was 4pm and we were about to have an interview before our performance. I always got really nervous during interviews as you never know what questions they are going to ask. Jade always answered most of the questions because she was the most intelligent. The interview did a few rounds of games with us. The first one was where we had to answer some peoples assumptions. There was loads of assumptions but the assumption that always annoys me and the girls the most is. "U act like friends when use really aren't. Use are all jealous of each other and all want to be centre of attention."

JT: There is not one word of truth in that assumption. We are all extremely close friends off stange and on. We care about each other more then anyone would know.
JN: Yeah and as for the attention thing  we all get our moments to shine. We are all proud of each other's success which is probably why we are still around 10 years later.

The second round was a friendship test on each other and we all got really high marks on it.

L: Well that just proves how much We know about each other

Interviewer: Yes it does. I'm going to let use girls go now as it's 5:30 and use probably have lots to do
P: Thanks bye

Perries Pov
Me and the girls were backstage getting ready my hair was done and I was getting the final touches done to my makeup. Jesy, Jade and Leigh were already done so we're just sat watching me. Once I was done we changed into our costumes. We were going to take photos for each others Instagram and the little mix one as I sneak peek for tonight.

I looked at my phone and I had 12 missed calls and 10 text messages. They were all from Jonnie and I had no idea what was going on. They were from just over an hour ago so I hoped i hadn't waited to long. I looked at the messages and it turns out my mam was in hosptial as they think she has had a stroke. I rang Jonnie back but he didn't answer.

Jesys Pov
Me and the girls had just finished getting ready and were about to take some photos. Something must be wrong with Pez as she starts at her phone in shock before placing it to her ear. It goes through to voicemail and Perrie just tells then to call her back. We realise it's Jonnie her brother and have no idea what has happened. Tears started streaming down her face and i felt like there was nothing we could do.

L: Take a deep breath and tell us what happened
P: Mams had a stroke and now Jonnie won't answer my call so I have no idea what is happening.
JT: It will be alright. He will be with your mam and he will call you back.
P: I'm not in the mood to take photos now
JN: That's fine.

Leigh-Anns Pov
I felt bad for Pez. I knew how much her mam meant to her. Deborah was so nice and didn't deserve whatever she was going through. There was only one other person that might be able to keep Pez calm and that Alex. I text him to let him know what's happening because I don't think Pez has. He just says he'll call Pez.

P: 2 seconds Alex is calling me

P: Hello
A: Hi baby
P: I take it one of the girls had told you as your being even more nice then normal.
A: Leigh told me. Don't worry she will be okay.
P: How do you know
A: She has been through alot and this is just another hurdle. Try not to think about it and I'm sure Jonnie will call you
P: Thank you
A: No worries. R u excited  for your performance. It will be amazing Because your on stage
P: Thanks. Thanks for everything but I need to get sorted
A: No worries love you
P: love you more baby

On stage
Perries Pov
Me and the girls were on stage and it was amazing. We were doing the dance break and I thought everything was going good. Until I looked beside me and realised I was doing the dance break for a difference performance. I was so embarrassed. I tried to forget that I just messed up and thought that I cared more then everyone else. However this made me think of my mam and the fact that I still didn't know everything that was happening. I started singing my verse but everything went black.

Jesys Pov
I had no clue what we were going to do. Pez had passed out and we knew that so many people would have that on record. We just had to forget about everything and get her off the stage. Me, Jade and Leigh go back on stage without Pez to perform our final song. We knew everyone would appreciate us but we just wanted to be with Pez.

Thanks for reading. xx

You don't have to answer if you don't want to but how old do use think I am based off my writing. I'm just curious and won't be offended if you get it wrong xx

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