45. Devastating news on tour (part 2)

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Leighannes pov
I opened the door to Jade lay on the floor with blood everywhere. She was nearly conscious and I knew that we had to get her to a hospital quickly. I had a massive phobia of blood so this was so so hard for me especially without having anyone else around. I shouted and shouted for the girls and I could here a pair of feet running towards me it was Jesy.

Jesys pov
I could here Leigh screaming for someone to help and I followed her voice to the bathroom. I was shocked at the sight infront of me and I could understand why Leigh was in tears.

JN: go get Perrie and phone an ambulance while I try and stop some of the blood

Perries pov
I was woken by Leigh shaking me and and she had tears in her eyes. I was so confused as to what was going on however I could here Jesy taking to Jade but I couldn't here Jade.

P: leigh what is happening
L: Hade has cut herself and she is bearly conscious.
P: do u want me to phone for u
L: if u don't mind
P: no lets go help Jesy though as well

Later that day
Perries pov
We were at the hospital now and after the ambulance arrived Jade did pass out. We had just found out Jade hadn't did to much damage. They gave her some extra blood as she had lost some which was what caused her to pass out and we just had to wait.

It had been an hour since the doctor had left and jade was starting to move. We had told Norma what had happened however she hadn't responded yet and must be busy.

JT: pez leigh jess
P: oh my god Jade
JT: im so sorry
JN: its alright but u are going to have to say why
JT: later i cant now
L: thats fine but we do need to know
JT: yeah
JN: how do u feel
JT: better than before
P: thats good then. 2 secs your mam is phoning me.
JT: why
L: we told her what happened
JN: she would of wanted to know
JT: I know

P: hello Norma
N: hiya pet how is my Jade
P: she's awake now and they said she hasn't did any damage. She had just lost to much blood
N: thats good then. Sorry for taking so long
P: its alright dont worry
N: has jade told u
P: told me what
N: I know she would rather tell use but I am sure I know why she cut. She might be a bit delicate on the subject and it will be why she was distancing herself
P: 0kay she has promised to tell us later
N: thats good then just look after her
P: don't worry we will. Do u want to speak to her.
N: yeah if that's alright.
P: yeah ill pass u to her

JT: hi mam
N: hi petal
JT: im sorry
N: its alright just don't bottle things up. Remember where all here
JT: I know and I know its hard for us all
N: yeah but we will all get through this
JT: the doctors coming in going to have to go
N: bye love u
JT: love u to

D: hello miss Jade thirlwall how r u feeling
JT: I feel fine
D: okay if your blood pressure and everything is normal u should be able to leave. However you are going to have to rest for a few days
JT: our next perofmance isn't till Wednesday night
D: yeah that's fine just be careful and make sure to stay hydrated
JT: I will
D: she also isn't allowed on her own for long periods of time which i think you are aware of anyways
P: yeah we'll all be around her
D: u can leave when your ready
JT: thankyou

That night
Jades pov
Me and the girls went back to the tour bus and it was 15:36. I knew I was lucky Leigh had heard me and that I hadn't caused myself much harm. Now that I think of it I have to keep going and I want more memories with those who I love.

P: jadey u alright
JT: just think about stuff
L: about what
JT: everything but mainly how lucky I am that Leigh heard me this morning
L: i was glad I went to check
JT: Im so sorry. Also leigh I know u are scared of blood so I'm sorry for making u go through that
L: its fine where all here now
P: your mam told me u would have something to tell us and that she knows why u did it
JT: yeah she does
P: lets talk then and why didn't u say earlier
JT: I just blocked everyone out and all I could think of was what was hurting me the most

JT: so as u know last night my mam phoned me so I went to answer it and she. She. Told me that gr gra grandad had passed away
JN: Jadey come here it will be alright
JT: I miss him. I didn't say goodbye or have my last talk or cuddle with him
P: he's watching over you constantly now
L: is this what made u cut this morning
JT: there's more. Last night I cut when use were watching a movie. I just didn't feel like talking and I knew if use saw me use would know something was up
JN: its fine lets have some chill days. Just us time and have fun
P: sounds like a plan

Thankyou Whyareushouting for this suggestion i loved writing this one. More will be done soon hopefully.

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