50. Jesy's Pov

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50 🥳
Stream confetti xx

This is just a bit random. All jesys pov

It was the new year and I was ready for a new beginning. Since leaving little mix last year I haven't felt as stressed or pressured and I have had so much time to myself. I don't have long days of recording and interviews or countless hours of preparing for performances and learning choreo.

One thing I did miss was music. I had been writing on my own at home and it was nice and fun and it wasn't as if I had to come up with something or get it agreed by management it was just for me. This also meant it could be all my style and I didn't have to think about what the girls would want.

After a week I had a phone call asking if I wanted to sign a solo contract. I turned it down but then I got more and more from other labels and i thought to myself before deciding that maybe I was ready to start my solo career now.i was originally going to wait a bit longer which is what I had told the girls but nothing is stopping me from starting now.

Aftera few weeks ihadalresdy began writing g and recording my first solo album and I was loving it. I didn't have to wake up as early and I had time to do it when I want so I wasn't on a very strict schedule. I hadn't spoke to the girls just because we were all so busy. They were promoting there remix of Confetti with saweetie and I was making my music.

I had started putting teasers on my instgram which most people were super excited about however people were saying I should of just said I was going solo in the first place Music is my happy place and it always will be. This annoyed me alot and of courcr the press was going on about how mr and the girls had fallen out and aloud of stuff about how I wanted to tie the knots with them.

Not going to lie I did think they were a bit irritated with me making music right now as I told them not for a while and they thought I was jumping backinto the spotlight to fast.

A few weeks later and I had just did my first magazine shoot which was amazing and I felt so confident. Maybe becoming solo and not doing everything as a group was what was right for me and I should of did it a long time ago. Perrie jade and Leigh seemed to be really excited at the moment and I was happy.

I was just scrolling through Instagram when I found Leigh-Anne's post. I still followed the girls even though we didn't talk to ecahother because of how busy we all were. Maybe when things settle we will catch up.

My magazine was all posted and I loved it until all the comments started coming through about how I was selfish and should congratulate Leigh and how I should of waited to post. I had no say in when this got posted.

I wished Leigh had of told me herself she was pregnant as now looking back I can see how much they were hiding stuff and how Perrie and Jade definitely knew. But this was my new beginning xx

Don't really know what to think of this. And just remember this is all made up and we don't know what is or has been going on because that is there private business x

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