9. Hidden injury (part 3)

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During Perries surgery
Leigh-Anns Pov
I'm sat waiting in the waiting room with the girls for Perrie. I can't believe she had to have surgery. I feel like it's all my fault for letting her dance knowing how much pain she was in. I know that I could of stopped this earlier and maybe my best friend would be okay.

JT: Leigh r u alright

Leigh-Ann bursts into tears and Jesy and Jade comfort her

L: It's all my fault

JN: how is it your fault

L: Because I knew her back was still hurting her and I didn't tell anyone or doing anything about it

JT: That doesn't make it your fault. Perrie would have denied it anyways. there was nothing u could do about it.

L: Thanks girls

After surgery

Perries Pov
I woke up and the second I opened my eyes I see three familiar faces crowded around me. They all start asking if I'm alright and making a fuss over me. They don't stop no matter how many times I say I'm fine.
Jade finally realised that I don't want to be  crowded and steps away unlike the other two.

JT: Guys give her some space to breathe

P: Thanks Jadey

JT: No problem how r u

P: Im alright my back is still very painful but I have feeling in my legs again.

JT: That's good then

The doctor comes in to see how I am and if I'm in pain. I tell her how I have feeling in my legs again but my back is hurting alot more than before.

I get told pain in my back is normal and I just need to keep having painkillers until it stops. She also tells me about how I am going to get given a back brace and that I should be discharged later on.

The doctor leaves.

P: Im so sorry girls

JN: You have nothing to be sorry for

P: Firstly for lieing to use and secondly for stopping use being able to perform tonight. And lastly the fact that I am not going to be able to dance for two months which will ruin even more performances.

L: Pez we chose not to perform and we can make the other performances work. This isn't your fault remember that.

P: It isn't yours either Leigh I know your blaming yourself so please stop

The doctor walks back in and puts Perries new back brace on.

D: U have to wear your brace at all times even when sleeping. You can't bend down. You have to sleep on your back. No sport.

P: Okay

The doctor helps Perrie, and Perrie manages to walk again with the help of her new brace.

D: You will be discharged in an hour bye.


It's been a week since Perrie got out of surgery and the girls have been very protective of Perrie. They have bearley let her out of there sight. They are all sat around talking and forgetting about all the stress and drama which has happened recently. Leigh has finally stopped blaming herself and they are all enjoying there time with one another.

Perries Pov
I don't know where I would be without my 3 best friends they can help you through the hard times and are always there for you. I am now in no pain and I am happily on the road to recovery.

The girls are now practising another dance routine, which I sadly can't do, but it's fun watching them get told off for missing steps and forgetting half the dance but i just wish I could do it with them.

This one is a bit all over the place and this is the last part to this I hope u enjoyed it . Thanks for reading

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