18. Dilemma (part 3)

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A week later
Jesys Pov
We were all having a sleepover at Jades house later. I hadn't saw the girls in a week and I really missed seeing there faces. I hadn't spoke to Pez since we found out she was pregnant. I hoped she was alright and that the girls were looking after her. I got my stuff and headed to Jades house. I was 10 minutes early which I thought was acceptable so I went to the door and knocked. Jade opened the door and her face lit up. It was amazing knowing how much she missed me. I just hope she knows how much I missedhe to.

JT: hi I've missed you
JN: I've missed you more
JT: do you want to come in and we can wait for Leigh and Perrie
JN: Yeah

I went inside and sat and spoke to jade before Leigh turned up and just let herself in. She really didn't care who's house it was she just wandered in.
L: Hi sorry the door was open
JT: It's fine I left it open, knowing how impatient you would be
JN: Does it surprise anyone that Perrie is last
L: No not at all.
JT: If I'm honest she isn't right at the minute.
JN: Yeah I think she's scared about becoming a mam
L&JT: What
JN: She hasn't told use
L&JT: No how long have you knew
JN: A week or so
JT: How come it will affect us but she chose to tell you first. Not your fault
L: No but it's Perries I'm going to kill her

Perrie comes in
P: Hi
L: What are you doing here
P: Why wouldn't I be here
L: Well it's not like you have been keeping secrets from us
P: What do you mean
JT: You know exactly what she means. You have ruined our career. You are going to disappoint so many people all over the world. and you have no-one to blame but yourself

Perries Pov
I knew Jesy must have told Jade and Leigh I was pregnant and there reactions told me exactly why I didn't tell them. I left Jades house and ran straight towards my car. I don't get there as everything goes black.

Jesys Pov
I couldn't believe Jade and Leigh they had just said Perries biggest fear.

JN: How on earth could you do that to her. She didn't plan on getting pregnant and I thought you cared about her more then your careers. She didn't tell use because she didn't want to ruin her friendships with use. The amount of things she had did for us and this is how you repay her.

L: Sorry she needs us and we need her. I'm not ruining 9 years of friendship. And I love her more than she could ever know. I just wished she told us sooner.
JT: We shouldn't of took it out on her. It's just if she told us we could of helped her. I don't understand why she was suffering in silence.
L: Im going to Perries to see if I can find her.

Leigh-Anns Pov
I rushed out of the room and ran out the front door. I was so shocked at the site infront of me. Perrie was lay on floor unconscious and I was so scared about her and her baby. I about and scream for Jade and Jesy and they come outside and see Perrie. Jade calls an ambulance and I just hope they are both alright. I don't know if I could live with myself if something happened to her.

At the hospital
Jades Pov
We were at the hospital and they were doing scans on an unconscious Perrie. They told us she was going to be okay.
JT: What about the baby
D: We don't think there has been any damage to the baby. She just gave herself a panic attack and her body couldn't cope with it. I will be back in an hour to see if she is awake.

20 minutes later
We were all sat beside Perrie processing the situation. I was so glad she was going to be okay and I just hoped she would forgive us. She starts to stir.
P: Where am I
JN: Where in the hospital
P: Why what happened
JN: You had a panic attack and your body couldn't cope with it because your pregnant so you passed out.
L: Where so sorry about the way we reacted
JT: We love you more then you know
P: It's fine I should of told use sooner, how is the baby
JT: It's healthy don't worry
P: Good, when can I be discharged
JN: The doctor is going to come in, in about half an hour and he'll probably say then
P: Okay, What are we going to do about little mix
JT: Just take a break for a bit
P: R u sure
L: Yeah we can keep performing for a bit but then we can have a years break and then have a reunion
JN: With me
P: Wait you want to come back
JN: Depending on how I feel in a years time. If my mental health is better then he. I miss performing with use and being in the studio, I don't know how much longer I can live without it.
L: Okay
D: Hello I'm doctor Graham, how r you miss Edwards
P: I feel fine
D: Okay if all is good you can be discharged in an hour.

I have so many more parts I want to write for this oneshots.
I am thinking of copying them to another book. And making a full book on it. Is this something use would read. xx

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