19. sick on tour

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Perries Pov
Me and the girls were on the American leg of tour and it was amazing. Performing on stage was living my childhood dreams over and over again and I could think of any better people do it with. We had been together for 10 years now and they now feel more like sister's then friends. I could tell them anything that was wrong and they would always listen and they would tell me what was wrong with them. We always had eachothers backs and it was like having a personal body guard. We also knew more about eachother then we did our families as we spend more time with them.

We were halfway through the tour, when one day I woke up and my  throat was really dry, and felt like it was on fire. It was 5:30am and I knew we would have to be up in hour anyways because we had interviews all day followed by a performance in Madison square garden. It was going to be a long day and today wasn't the day to not be well. I climbed out my bed and went to the kitchen to get a a glass of water. I also took some paracetamol and hoped they would work. After I just sat on my phone in the living room before the others woke up.

It was 06:30am when Jesy Jade and Leigh-Ann all clambered into the living room. I was never a morning person but since I had been up for an hour I felt more awake and ready to start my day.

JT: What you doing up on time we normally have to come and pull you out of bed.
P: I needed a drink and just couldn't sleep so I came in here.
L: Is your throat okay
P: It's a bit dry and has a strange burning feeling. why 
JN: Your voice is raspy
P: Great and we have a full day
L: It's fine just try not to speak to much and if it doesn't improve you are going to have to go to the doctor.
P: They'll just put me on vocal rest and I don't want that
JT: The only way things will improve is if you rest your voice.
L: We haven't really had a break in ages which is probably why. You also do the most high and long notes out of us which will be putting more strain on you.
P: Fine I'll stay quieter in the interviews but I still want to perform tonight
JN: We will we later but now we have to get ready.

Perries pov
We all got changed into casual outfits before heading towards the radio station. I brought some water with me and was going to let the girls answer most of the questions.

The first interview was good and I didn't need to speak that much as Jade answered most of the questions.
During the second interview the interviewer asked us all questions about our favourite thing about tour. I told him how nothing is better then exploring places all over the world with your three best friends. It was really painful speaking. I knew it must of sounded very nice as I earned three concerned glares from the other girls. I was glad when Leigh-Ann started speaking . The interview was over.

Jades Pov
We had just finished the interview and Perries voice sounded really bad. She was also wincing between words and I knew she wasn't right. We left the room and Perrie stayed quiet the whole way back to the hotel. And I just knew she needed to see someone but she was to stubborn to do so. A couple of hours before our final interview which was supposed to be at 3pm we got a call saying that they couldn't do it. I had no idea why but I knew Perrie would be happier.

P: Since we don't have the interview now I'm going to go to sleep for a bit if that's alright, as I'm really tired because of being up so early and I know we will finish late tonight.
JN: Of course that's alright however r u sure u don't want to see a doctor.
P: No if it gets worse I will but I can handle it at the minute.
L: Okay sleep well Pez

Jesys Pov
We were backstage getting ready for our performance tonight and I knew Perrie was going to be in pain. She was having a hard time speaking yet alone performing. We all knew she didn't like showing how much pain she was inand tries to hide it s much as she can but you could still tell. I had told Alex that Perrie had a sore throat and asked if he knew anything we could do. He replied with saying

Hi Jesy I have just arrived in New York and was planning on surprising Perrie tonight anyways. Knowing she is in pain makes me want to see her all the more. I'll try and get her to go to the doctors tomorrow but I don't know what her reaction will be. I should be at the arena in about half an hour don't tell Perrie.

Alex's Pov
It had just turned 6m when I arrived at the arena and I knew Perrie and the girls were going on stage at 8pm. Which meant I had 2 hours of spending time with Perrie before her performance. I texted Jesy to ask her what part of the building they were in as it was huge and she told me sound check. Is went straight there where I find Perrie. I sneak up behind her and put my arms around her. She jumps before realising it's me and cuddling into me.
P: Why r u here
I could tell what Jesy meant by saying she was sick and I just wished i could take it all away.
A: I came to surprise you and you should rest your voice. Also please be careful tonight you don't want to make it worse then it is.
P: It will be fine don't worry

Might do a part 2
thanks for reading x

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