22. Interview

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Jades Pov
Me and the girls were living our best life on tour. It was so incredible and I couldn't wish for anything better. Our schedules are a mess on tour. After shows and all the other things we have to do we then have to go to the hotel where staying in or we are on the bus travelling to out next place. We end up going to sleep about 2am We barely stop in places and are always on the move. Which makes it extremely tiring.

It was now 3am and we had just got on the bus, ready to go travel to our next location. We were all so tired and we would all probably sleep in late tomorrow.

The next morning
Jades Pov
I woke up with a massive headche and the first thing I did was look at my phone to check the time. It was 8am and I didn't think any of the others were up yet. I climbed out of bed and went to the kitchen to get some paracetamol for my headache.

Jesys Pov
I woke up around 07:45 and just sat on my phone for a bit. I looked through the videos and photos of tour so far and it brought a massive smile to my face. I knew we didn't have to be up for a while as our interview was at qpm. At about 08:05 I heard footsteps so I decided to get up and see who it was. I found Jade in the kitchen with the paracetamol box in her hand. I walked over to her.
JN: Morning Jadey
JT: Good morning Jesy
JN: You alright
JT: Yeah just got a banging headache.
JN: Is that all
JT: Yeah I'll be fine
JN: Do you want to go watch a movie before Leigh and Perrie get up
JT: Yeah

Jades Pov
Me and Jesy watch a movie together before we have the dreaded job of waking Perrie and Leigh up. It was 9am and we knew they would have to be up soon. I had the easier job of Leigh while Jesy had to wake Perrie. I think the paracetamol had started to work as my headache was nearly gone.

JT: Leigh
L: ugh
JT: You need to wake up it's 9 and we are going to have to get ready soon.
L: I'll come through in a sec

Jesys Pov
I was going to wake up Perrie and I absolutely hated myself for doing this. She was sleeping so peacefully however if we didn't wake her she would still be alseep by this time tomorrow.

JN: Pez it's 9am you have to get up
P: Ugh

Perries Pov
Jesys had came in the room and woke me up. I really didn't feel like getting up so crawled underneath the covers. I just wanted to go back to sleep so badly.

JN: Perrie we have an interview and then a show. You can sleep after come on.

I don't know why but I chucked my pillow at Jesy just hoping she would leave me alone. I couldn't be bothered for the interview and was so tired.

JN: Pez I'll come back in 10 minutes and if your not up where pulling you out of bed.
P: Okay

Jesys Pov
I left Perries door open and went to the living room where Jade and Leigh were sat.

L: Morning Jesy
JN: Hi Leigh
JT: Is Pez not getting up
JN: I said she has 10 minutes to move and if not where pulling her out of bed another way.
L: haha okay.

Jesys Pov
10 minutes had passed and everyone was now up accept for Perrie. Even the mix men were up and they didn't have interviews to go to.

JN: How about one of us screams and that will get Perrie to move.
L: I'll do it
L: ahhhhhhhhhhhh

Perries Pov
I knew I should of got out of bed but I still couldn't be bothered. I didn't know how much time had passed. I then Heard Leigh screaming and jumped out of bed and ran into the living room. The 3 of them were laughing and I knew they did that just to get me to move.

L: Well good morning Perrie
P: Morning and that wasn't funny
JT: We had to get you up some how
P: Yeah well that wasn't a nice way
JN: It was the only thing that would work. We know you care more about us then sleep. so
P: anyways I suppose we should get dressed or we'll be late.
L: That wouldn't be surprising

At the interview
Jades Pov
We were at capital radio station for our interview. I think the paracetamol is wearing off as my headache is getting stronger and stronger and the lights in here aren't helping. We start the interview and I just try and act normal even though I feel like I'm going to pass out. I drink my water and try and stay as calm as I can. I normally answer a lot of questions in the interview especially about logical things. I just think I'm mor3 confident in my answers. The girls are just as intelligent as me they just don't trust themselves.

Perries pov
We were at the interview and Jade kept zoning out. Jesy had told us she had, had a headache in the morning and I was sure the paracetamol was wearing off. I knew the lighting wouldn't be helping her as it was really bright. I mouth to her if she's okay and she just shakes her head. The interview was nearly over when Jade fainted and fell off her chair and onto the floor. We all muted are microphones and turned of all the speakers and that was the end of the interview.

P: Jade, Jade
JT: W what happened
L: You passed out
JN: R u alright
JT: I have a massive headache
P: Why don't we go out of here as it's really bright and see if we can find out y you passes out

Jades Pov
After I had woken up, I didn't know what to do. All the girls were crowding around me and it was all to much. I still had a massive headache. When Perrie asked if I wanted to leave the room I agreed. Leigh helped me up and we went outside

JT: By the way don't worry about me I just haven't had enough sleep lately. I forgot how draining tour is but we have a few days off tour after tonight so we can all catch up on sleep and have some fun.

Thanks for all the support through 2020. I know I have only wrote in December but use have give me so much more confidence in my writing I will see you all in 2021 let's hope it's better then 2020.

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