39. At the club

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Just going to point out this is just a fanfic

Jesys Pov
All the girls were at mine because all of our boyfriends were out of town and we thought we needed a girls fun night. We were all just going to go out and enjoy ourselves because it had been far to long. We had so many rehearsals and interviews lately so hadn't had time to do much more. Once we were all ready the car came to pick us all up and take us to the club.

Once we were there we heard straight to the back part of the pub where celebrities and people usually go. This stops us being papped and people trying to take pictures with us. Once we went into the room there was so many different people in there. Lots of footballers I think and a few other famous songwriters and musicians. Someone else who was there was Zayne. He had broken up with Gigi a month ago so he was probably trying to to get about everything that had happened. I don't think that man will ever be able to make a relationship work.

Perries Pov
I noticed Zayne and his friend and I just ignored them ebacuse I was 10x happier now and he didn't treat me eight the first time. Alex was so much better than him and I wouldn't change anything that happened now. I just ignored him because I was here to enjoy my time with he girls.

We all went to the bar and got our drinks entire sitting down. We had all ahd a few drinks now and were a bit tipsy but nothing  bad. We were all dancing when it became super awkward because Sweet Melody came on I felt like everyone was watching us act like clowns. After Jesy shouted yes that is us playing through the speaker it was fine.

Jade needed the bathroom so I said I would go with her because in places like this you never know what is going to happen. She went inside and it was just us in there. I stood and waited until I felt myself being pulled out of the room. I tired to scream however for some reason nothing would come out of my mouth.

I was dragged into a room and that's when I realised who it was. It was Zayne and I was super scared about what he was going to do to me. When we were together he used to abuse me and try and make me have sex when I didn't want to. I knew it was going to be 10x worse now because we wernt together and I was with someone else. He had also just broken up with his girlfriend which didn't surpise why he had came after me.

Z: Baby
P: don't call me that
Z: You were mine first
P: well not anymore
Z: Lets remind you of what happens here

At that moment he slapped me hard across the face and it stung like crazy however I was trying to act like he wasn't bothering me. He pulled some handcuffs out of his pockets and attacked me to the chair in the centre of the room. No matter how much I moved or how much I screamed I don't think anyone was able to hear me.

It wasn't long before he had pulled my clothes off completely exposing every part of me. Then the dreaded part began of him entering me. it wasn't  soft and nice like Alex it was rough and hurt like hell. He was sucking on my kneck and I knew he was trying to leave as many marks as he possibly could. I felt disgusting and so weak. He was also now pulling on my hair which was jolting my head in all different places. After a good 20 minutes he left me alone and unable to move or do anything. He left the room and more and more tears flowed down my face. He had locked the door again and this was when I knew I was trapped. The girls had no clue where I was or what was going on.

Jades pov
I came out of the cubicle and relaised Perrie wasn't there. I had heard the door open and shut however I just thought that was someone else coming looking for a friend. I quickly went back to where Jesy and Leigh we r shut she wasn't there.

JN: Jade wheres Perrie
JT: I don't know it bought she had left because she wasn't in the bathroom anymore
L: We have to look for eachother
JT: together though where not splitting
JN: Lets go to the bar and make our way around.
JT: Okay
L: Hey isn't that Zaynes friend
JN: Yeah but where is Zayne
JT: She wouldn't
L: Jade. After everything he did to her she wouldn't go with him anywhere
JN: But that wouldn't stop him taking her
JT: Yeah we need to move fast
JN: Someone's crying in there

There will be a part 2 sometime x

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