40. At the club (part 2 )

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Jades pov
I could hear crying behind the door and I half hoped it was Perrie so we knew where she was and half hoped it wasn't because whoever was in there sounded hurt. I knocked on the door and got no response other then the sound of someone whimpering. It sounded like Perrie and I knew that it had to be her inside of there. "Perrie Its just us. Jade Leigh and Jesy" trying to sound as calm as I possibly could. "Please let us in" I say hoping she will come get the door. "I can't it hurts" Is all I here her say back to me. Jesy tries to reason with her to move slowly and take her time and we here the door lock click.

I open the door and the girls follow me in before we lock the door behind us. I was shocked at the state she was in. She was naked on the floor with her clothes lay on top of her. She had black and blue cheeks and her back and legs were covered in more bruises.

JT: Baby girl what happened
L: Please say we need to help u
P: Zayne
JN: He didn't do what I think he did

Perrie nods her head and I know what Jesy is thinking of. I couldn't believe he would do such thing to her. He's took his anger with breaking up with his girlfriend on her and that wasn't alright. Jesy had left the room to probably go and get security and the police so they can do something about this.

L: Where has he hurt baba
P: Everywhere
JT: Has he hurt your 😺
P: Yeah it stings
L: He might have torn u
JT: Do u want me to check baba

She just nods her head and Leighs holds her hands to try and calm her down as I look. He has definitely tore her and she is bleeding a bit.

JT: Your bleeding a bit baba but u will be alright
P: Where's Jess gone
L: Security to find him and the police to see if they can get him arrested
P: Nooooo
L: He can't hurt u again if he is locked away
P: But what if they say he isn't guilty mad he comes at me again.
JT: Don't worry. He is definitely guilty and there is proof all over you
L: Do u want some help putting clothes back on. You will get cold
P: It hurts
JT: I have a oversized huddy in my bag back in there. Do u want me to get it. It might be more comfortable
P: Please
JT: I'll be quick and Leigh will stay with you

Perries Pov
I felt so gross and disgusting as I was sat in Jades hoodie. I kept having flashbacks of everything he did to me. I was sure he would of ruined my relationship with Alex because he wouldn't want me now. We were now sat in a room behind the bar so that no-one could see us and no what was going on. Jesy came in followed by two police woman's and i tensed up. Leigh and Jade must of noticed because they both took one of my hands each and started to fiddle with my fingers. Jesy then says next to us on the large sofa with the police sat opposite.

Police: Hello Miss Edwards I'm Elaine and your friend miss Nelson has told me some of the things that have happened tonight
P: Okay
Police: Security has now found Zayne in the shelter outside and he is now being taking into questioning. We have also checked the security cameras and saw Zayne enter the female bathroom and come out with you. We are going to need u to give a statement and also take some pictures for evidence
P: Do u have to
Police: Yeah we know that this isn't going to be the nicest thing however if he is found not guilty then this is our evidence. Do u want the girls to leave
P: No
Police: Okay then. I can see you have a black eye and there is a bit of swelling on your face. Is there any thing else we need to be aware of.
P: My side and I'm sure he tore me
Police: Have u saw the tear
JT: I saw
Police: Okay then is it large or minor
JT: Its not bleeding alot if that's what u mean
Police: Okay then but if that gets worse u are going to have to go to the hospital
P: Okay
Police: Is it alright if I take some photos of your sides
P: Yeah

After the police
Jades Pov
We were all about to get in the car and all go back to our own houses. Alex was home right now and Jesy was catching him up on everything because Perrie was to scared of his reaction.

JN: So that's about it
A: Is she alright please tell me honestly
JN: She's a bit shook, She's bleeding a bit and has lots of bruises however she is a bit better now
A: can i speak to her and is she coming back home
JN: I think she is coming home as where all in the car now. I'll put her on

JN: Pez baba Alex wants to speak to u
P: Is he mad
JN: No not at all

A: Hi baby
P: Hi
A: don't ever think I'm mad at u because I'm not. None of this is your fault and u don't deserve it
P: So u still love me
A: Forever and always
P: I love u to. Sorry I didn't tell u
A: it's fine are the girls bringing u back
P: Where going to Jesys then Leighs and then ours I think but Jade might come in for a few minutes if that's alright
A: Cource it is. I look forward to seeing u

Hi I am going to right an Alerrie one shot which will be Perrie and Alex at home after all of this. So it's a continuation but will be in the other one shot book as it is more alerrie based xxx

April 2022 can't come fast enough xx

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