32. Attack

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Jades Pov
We had all finished our final performance of the confetti tour. It had been such an amazing time and we couldn't wait for later. There was always an end of tour party and it was always so mental. We were all backstage getting changed out of our costumes and into party clothes. We got dressed so quickly as we we r used to getting changed in a hurry. We also all had a lot of adrenaline which was probably why we wernt feeling tired.

We were going to go to the bus and drop off everything before heading out. We had just left the arena and were walking down the stairs at the back so fans couldn't see us. Fans were still everywhere which showed it hadn't took us long at all. Most of the crew had ran ahead so it was just us and a few of the dancers around. However the dancers were quite far behind. Probably messing on with one another. Me and Jesy had raced down the stairs which was probably stupid knowing how tired we were. We were just stood at the bottom waiting for Perrie and Leigh who were laughing at how stupid we looked. They had one more set of stairs to come down but when they were only halfway down there was a massive bang not far from us. There was screams and screams and we knew they would of came from people who had been at the arena. We knew someone had tried to bomb and were all scared. The impact must of travelled towards us because the ground started to feel shakey. Me and Jesy just hold on to the pole next to us however Perrie and Leigh aren't as lucky. Both of them come falling down the stairs. Me and Jesy rush over to them and they are both screaming in pain. It was one of the hardest thing I've ever had to watch. We didn't have a clue what to do and just knew that people would be with us soon. I didn't want to imagine how many fans had been hurt or think about the fact that people probably lost there lives to this bomb.

We were all on our way to the hospital. I was with Leigh and Jesy was with Pez. It turns out that the bombing was already on the news and people were still missing. It reminds me so much of the bombing in Manchester that had just had it's 4 year anniversary. The more I read the more upset I became. They had found 3 bodies already and I knew there was probably more. This is not how we wanted to end tour.

Me and Jesy met at the hospital. They checked us both over but luckily we were all good. Perrie and Leigh were both having scans done and they were going to put the both in the same room so we could all stay together. By the time they were in the room and me and Jesy were allowed in they were both awake. We were just grateful they were awake and alive.

JT: Perrie Leigh how r use
P,L: I've been better
JN: What's hurting use
L: Pelvis and back and side
P: just my right hip and down my right leg
JT: When do use get the results
P: They don't know so many people have been rushed here
JT: Yeah it was quite an explosion
L: Has anyone
JN: They've found 3 bodies so far
P: It not fair. People came to see us and now they have lost there life. If we didn't do the show non of this would of happened
JT: we didn't know what was going to happen and need to stay calm
JN: It couldn't be helped
JT: It wasn't planned
A doctor comes in with both Perries and Leighs results.

D: Leigh-ann pinnock
L: Yeah that's me
D: Where sorry to say this but you have a broken pelvis off falling down the stairs and there might be a small spinal fracture. You ar going to need surgery tomorrow morning to make sure everything is going to heal in the right place
L: Okay
D: finally miss Perrie Edwards
P: Yeah that's me
D: You have a dislocated hip and a hairline fracture. There is a trapped nerve which is why your right leg is feeling tingly. You might also need surgery to put some pins in to hold it together. However I don't think it will be necessary. Use are both quite lucky
P: Okay thankyou

Perries Pov
I was in more pain then I had ever been in before. Jesy and Jade were a good distraction from it all. I could tell Leigh was in alot more pain then me. I was thinking about how tonight was supposed to go and the horrors that had happened instead.

I was able to sit up and talk however Leigh was lay flat at the other end of the room. I could see the pain filling her eyes and I just wished she was okay.

A few minutes later Leigh started screaming in pain. It was one of the worst sights I had ever seen and I just wished I could help. Jesy had ran to get someone while Jade stood holding her hand before Leigh passed out. The doctors come in and rush her to surgery because her body won't be able to cope with the pain when she wakes up. They also say she is probably in A lot of shock.

After everything that happened with Leigh there was some good news. I didn't need surgery and would be able to walk with the help of crutches within the next few hours.

Do u want a part 2 xx

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