38. Food

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Jades Pov
It was my episode of eat in with Little Mix and I was super excited and a bit terrified at the fact that I had to cook. However after Jesys fiasco with the cheesecake I was sure it would be fine. Usually when we were all together Leigh would cook and give us instructions. Sometimes Perrie would but we all preferred Leighs cooking just don't tell Perrie.

I had prepared everything and sorted all of the food out for tonight. It was the first time i think I had ever been fully responsible for the cooking. Jesy arrived first which wasn't a surprise because she was always early. She helped me with some bits and pieces before the others arrived and she decided to stop. I don't know if it's exactly cheating but who cares I want to win.

Perries Pov
We were all sat waiting for Jade to bring through whatever masterpiece she and made. I knew she was going to try and create the Angel of the North which could go terribly wrong. She brought it all through and it looked amazing. You could tell how much she had tried even though her Angel was a bit wonky.

L: It's so good

We sat and ate the food and everything was going amazingly. We were all talking because it had been ages since we had, had a proper catchup. When we were at work shooting music videos and rehearsing dances you don't get much time for a break, and when you do your to tired to speak to anyone.

I swallowed what was in my mouth and found that it got stuck. This hasn't happened in what felt like forever and it was the same irritating feeling in my throat. I tired to drink some water as that sometimes made it go down. It didn't work but I didn't want to make a fuss after Jade had spent so long trying to make everything perfect. I just played with my food slowly putting in small mouthfuls so I didn't look suspicious.

This made me feel really sick and as if everything that I had managed to eat was going to come back up again. The ache in my stomach got stronger and stronger but the food still wouldn't go down no matter what I try and do. The girls were all talking and I just nodded my head at the times when it was appropriate. Jade then started eyeing me weirdly and i had no clue why.

Jades Pov
Everything had went alot better than i thought. We were all laughing and talking. Perrie went quiet which was rather unusual but I just left her be because if something was wrong I would hope she would say something. After about 5 minutes of her being quiet and constantly taking mouthfulls of water she was holding her stomach. Something was definitely troubling her. Leigh AND Jesy were now talking about I don't know what ao I was about to ask her when she stood up.

P: I'm going to the toilet I'll be 2 mins
JN: Okay
L: See u soon

I knew she was going to try and throw up and had food stuck in her throat so I left the table and went to follow her. The bathroom door was locked and I could hear retching sounds from behind the door.

JT: Perrie it's just Jade let me in
P: 2 minutes
JT: I know what's wrong just let me in so I can help you. You have food stuck

She came and answered the door holding her stomach. I led her towards the toilet where she started putt my her finger down her throat insider to try and get it to come back. Some of water she had been drinking made an appearance but the food was still trapped. I rubbed her back in hope that it would help her. When she must of finally managed to get the food out of her oesophagus along with everything else she had ate.

P: Sorry u probably didn't want to see all that
J: Hey I don't mind but next time say something
P: U had worked so hard and I didn't want to ruin it
J: Honestly it's fine but you should book an appointment to potentially get it stretched again
P: Yeah I might after
J: Do u feel okay
P: Throats a bit sore but I'm fine
J: Do u want me to go get you some water while u sort yourself out
P: Please if you don't mind
J: Not at all

I went downstairs and got a fresh glass for Perrie as hers had bits of stuff in. I saw Leigh and Jesy in the kitchen and I had forgotten that they were even there

L: What's happening
JN: Is Perrie okay
JT: she had food stuck in her throat again. She was trying to get it down with water but in the end she had to make herself sick
L: Is she alright now
JT: Yeah she's freshening up upstairs
JN: How long had it been stuck
JT: I'm assuming since she went quiet and just didn't want to say
L: poor baby

I went back and gave Perrie the water before we both went back downstairs. We decided to wait a bit before having dessert so that Perries throat could have some time to calm down.

Perries Pov
I knew the girls only wished for dessert because of me and I was thankful for them. I couldn't have 3 better best friends. We played some games before going back to the kitchen to try Jades angel of the North.

I was eating slowly just to make sure nothing was going to happen again and I could feel 3 pairs of eyes on me.

P: I'm fine
JN: Sure
P: Yes
L: y r u eating so slowly then
P: It stings a bit but it's fine
L: Okay
P: Now stop staring

Hope u all enjoyed this xx

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