34. Sick

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This one was requested a while ago by abeenamedabee and I kind of forgot about it but thought I'd do it now x

Jesys Pov
We were all in our bunks on tour. We had to wished the first week of tour and had a few days off before we had to go back on the roads. Tour was such a fun experience and it got better and better every time. I was sure I was firat awake which wasn't a surprise because the others stayed in bed until noon.

I walked in the kitchen and to my surprise Jade was there. She was sat on the floor in a ball and there was definitely something wrong. I walked over to her and placed my hands on her back and played with her hair. She was clutching her stomach and I knew she was in pain. It looked as though she was trying to get The sickness tablets as they were on the bench.

JN: What's hurting baba
JT: Stomach
JN: Have u had tablets
JT: No I went to get them But felt to sick and sat down
JN: Its alright I can get you them and then we can go cuddle on the sofa before the others wake up. We aren't doing anything today so you can just rest.
JT: Ok. I'll be in the other room
JN: Yeah get comfy

I got the tablets, a glass to water and a heat pad and brought them to Jade. I sat next to her and she leapt up and ran towards the bathroom. She was sick quite alot and I was sure I could hear Perrie and Leighs feet coming down the passage way. I held Jades hair out of her face and rubbed small circles on her back until she got up.

JT: Sorry
JN: Its not your fault
JT: I just hate being physically sick
JN: Come in and all 4 of us can cuddle
JT: I don't want to get everyone else sick
P: We don't mind come on
L: Yeah we would rather u were feeling better.

Jades Pov
We were watching Disney movies and by lunch time I had been sick 3 more times. I had some dry crackers although I didn't see the point as they were just going to come back up later. The other girls seemed fine and I was glad they hadnt caught whatever I have.

The girls all made some food for themselves before we all sat back on the sofa to watch more movies. I must of spoken to soon because Perrie jumped off the sofa holding her mouth and we knew she was going to be sick as well. Leigh followed after he while Jesy sat with me.

JT: Great now I've gave it to Perrie
JN: Even if she was no where near you she would of caught it
JT: Yeah but I have her more chance of catching it and it will affect her worse.
JN: Perries immune system isn't the strongest and catches things if u were no where near. She'll fight it just like you are

Perrie came back in and she looked rather pale. We were both like zombies by 4pm and both must of fell asleep cuddling with the others. We were both tired and just felt like dieing.

I woke up with a sore throat and I just wished that I could be back to normal. Perrie was still asleep and would probably stay asleep until tomorrow now. It had been long enough for me to take some more tablets so I got up off the sofa and got some. I found Jesy and Leigh watching a film in the other room and went to join them.

They turned down the volume and the brightness of the screen to see if that would help. I couldnt wish for better friends then them. they were so caring and supportive and we all truly had eachothers backs.

The next morning
Jades Pov
I woke up and my throat was killing me. I didn't feel sick anymore whoever the burning feeling at the back of my throat was stronger then ever. I heard Perrie being sick in the bathroom and was about to get up and go and help her when I heard Jesy in there with her. Leigh was probably in the living area so I was going to join her in there.

I went over to Leigh and just sat next to her. She wrapped her arm around me and kissed my forehead.

L: R u alright
JT: I have a sore throat

My voice was raspy and hurt with every word that came out of my mouth.

L: It will be alright. You have probably overworked it. Or there's a possibility you have tonailitis.
JT: Maybe I feel and for Pez
L: Its just her stomach playing up. She got her meds took off her as everything was going fine but now shes sick again without them.There completely different things. Do u want to go to the tour doctor and see what he says

I just not my head and me and Leigh get dressed and go to the other bus that some of crew are on. Once we get there he checks my throat my making me open my mouth and says I do have tonailitis. I get given some medication and get told to rest my throat so that it heals faster.

We walked back in and Perrie was eating crackers. She seemed to have more colour and it looked as though her stomach felt better.

L: U alright Pez
P: After this morning's mess I feel a lot better. I'm probably going to ring the doctor again and see if she can prescribe the meds again because if not I feel like this will happen more often
L: Sounds good
JN: How r u Jadey you seem quiet
L: She has tonsilits and has been told to try and rest for it to get better faster
JN: Poor Jadey
P: Just means more snuggles
L: I'm in
JN: Lets go

Thanks for reading xx

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