20. sick on tour (part 2)

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Perries Pov
We all go on stage and start our performance. I was in so much pain and I knew my vocals wern't as good as normal. I thought through the pain and let the crowd sing some of my higher notes so I could have a bit of a break. The last song was shout out to my ex and I was so glad it was neamry over. I looked at Jade and she just mouths I'll sing it. I knew she meant she was going to sing my verse so I didn't have to. I normally wouldn't let her but I just couldn't do it. The crowd also sang some of my bits and I just danced and let the girls do it.

We got off stage and my throat was the worst it had ever been. I went and got changed with the girls. After I went and sat on Alex's knee as he wrapped his arms around me.

Jades Pov
We had just finished our performance and i could see the pain on Perries face as we headed backstage. We all knew she shouldn't have did that performance but there was no stopping her. I was glad she let us sing some of her parts however I don't think she should of even stepped foot on stage. She cared more about others then herself and I just wished she would pay more attention to herself. We got changed before heading back to the room where all our dancers and management were.

Alex's Pov
The girls all entered the room and I could see the pain on Perries face. I knew she shouldn't of did that performance but there was no stopping her. That was one thing I admired about her, she was so dedicated and hated letting people down. But sometimes I wish she just thought of herself instead of others. She came and sat on my knee and cuddles into me. I ask her if shes alright wondering wether she will tell me. She just shakes her head and I know the pain must be bad. She is normally to stubborn to admit she is in pain so if she is saying she is it must be really bad. We all head back to the hotel room. Perrie falls alseep on the tour bus there so I pick her up bridal style and carry her to bed.

She moved a bit before asking for a glass of water. I go and get one for her and she takes it and the paracetamol.
P: I don't want to cause a fuss but I don't know how much longer I can cope.
A: I'll book you an appointment for tomorrow
P: Thanks,

A few minutes later

A: Its tomorrow at 11am
P: Thanks
A: Do you want me to go tell the girls
P: Yeah but bee quick

I knocked on the door next door which Jade, Jesy and Leigh-Ann were staying in. I told them that I had booked an appointment for Perrie tomorrow at 11
JT: Did she let you
A: She asked me
L: She must be in pain
JN: Yeah she normally wouldn't ask
A: I know anyways I'm going to go bye
JT: Bye look after our Pez
A: Don't worry I will

I hear back into our room and find Perrie lay awake. She hasn't drank much of her water.
A: You alright baby
She just shakes her head and points to her throat. I wish I could take it all away and hoped we would find out what is wrong with her tomorrow. I take my top off and climb into bed next to her. I wrap my arms around her as she lays her head on my chest. I can hear her soft snores which signal that she is alseep.

The next morning
Perries Pov
I wake up and look at the time it's 10am and I see Alex stood at the door. I just smile at him.
A: Morning baby
P: Morning
A: Is it any worse or better
P: No it's the same
A: Okay, let's get ready and them we need to leave

After the appointment
Perries Pov
I had just been to my appointment and it turns out I have a throat infection. It has been gradually getting worse got about a week. I hadn't told anyone how long it had been going on as at first I could cope. However I was glad that I had told people and they had helped me get the care I need. We headed back to the hotel. I wasn't allowed to sing for a few weeks which wouldn't be to big of a problem. The girls and the crowd would cover my parts and I was happy I could at least be on stage with them.

I just open the girls room and go in with Alex following when I say he can.

JT: So what's worng with our Pez

I just look at Alex hoping that he will get the hint that I want him to answer it. He smiles at me.

A: She has a throat infection and won't be able to sing for a few weeks. She has some antibiotics and  also is trying not to speak as much as it will heal quicker.

L: R come here baba

A few days later
A: By the way Pez you know the date today
P: Yeah 
A: So you know tomorrow I have to go back to training
P: Yeah
A: I'll miss you
P: I'll miss you to but I'll be okay
A: Of course you will you have the girls
P: Yeah and I also feel a lot better now so don't worry about me
A: I'll try my best

This kinda turned into a bit of an Alerrie oneshot but oh well xx

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