"Is that really all you got out of my empowering speech!" She scolds as I shake my head and look at her. She's right, just because I have had bad experiences with men, doesn't mean that all are bad.

"Thanks mom" I whisper as she smiles and kisses my head.

"No go to bed, I know you have a big day tomorrow and I'm so excited to see the drafts for the palette, mascara, lipstick, eye liner, everything!" She smiles as I shake my head no.

"You aren't seeing them yet Patricia!" I tell her using her full name that she hates. She slapped me on the butt last time I called her that and she was in her bed doing chemotherapy.

Not surprisingly she slaps my butt, "You little bitch!" She scolds while smiling and laughing at me. I know she's joking because we call each other bitches all the time.

"They better be good then!" She scolds as I nod and smile.

"Goodnight Patricia the bitch!" I tell her running to my bedroom as she laughs and flicks me off.

"Love you mom!" I yell as she yells back, "I love you Gem!" as loud as she can making me smile. I really do love that lady and I'm glad she's my mom. She's the reason that tomorrow I'm opening up to Brody and he's going to know everything. I'm ready, I know there's a risk of getting hurt but I'm taking it because I believe my boyfriends worth it.


The next morning I wake up to my alarm. I go into the bathroom and take out my invisible teeth liners I wear at night to keep my smile in line, while then brushing my teeth. I wash my face, and tie my hair in a messy bun on top of my head before throwing on a large sweatshirt over my tank top and shorts.

With slippers on my feet I walk into the kitchen and start to make breakfast for my mom, her favorite is a vegetable and cheese omelet. I get out all the ingredients before I hear her alarm ringing through the very quiet apartment since New York's not super alive right now. It's always awake though, there is never a dull moment in the city.

I don't hear her cut it off for a few minutes so setting down the egg mixture I walk through to her bedroom door. It's so good to have her back here sleeping in her own bed.

I knock before entering to see her still sleeping. I walk over to the alarm and cut it off before gently pushing her, "Mom come on, you're coming to work with me today to see everyone again" I tell her smiling as I pull her covers down. When she doesn't wake I shake her again and she still doesn't move.

"Mom?" I yell as I shake her again and she won't wake up. "MOM?!" I scream at the top of my lungs before tears form in my eyes. She can't be-, she's not.

I run out of the room and sprint to my front door before opening it and running to Brody's apartment door.

"BRODY PLEASE?!" I yell banging on the door as hard as I can for a solid five seconds before I see him fully dressed. My face is covered in tears and I have no doubt I look horrible but I'm not concerned about how I look. I want my mom to be okay.

"Mom, she won't, she won't wake up" I rasp out sobbing to him as he sprints past me and into my apartment. He goes to the first door that's her room and shakes her as I watch him. Before I can stop my crying he grabs her into his arms lifting all a hundred and fifty pounds of her.

"Baby, run to my apartment grab my keys and lock the door. Right now" he demands as I run and grab his truck keys and lock his door. While I'm locking it I see him walk out of my apartment holding my purse, a pair of shoes for me and keys with my mom asleep as he locks the door.

He carries her to the stairs and I follow behind him wiping my tears as we make it to the lobby and garage as he sprints and I follow him. It doesn't even phase him as he runs with her and to his truck. I unlock the doors as he pushes her into the backseat and grabs me putting me in the passengers seat before speeding off. He's taking us to the hospital and he's not even asking questions.

Brody's Gem (Kingston Spin-off #2)✔️Where stories live. Discover now