"He thinks I'm taking his position and that my dads the only reason I'm in the NFL." I tell her as she looks at me. I don't know why but he made me so angry, I just wanted to punch him until he couldn't move and that's not okay for me to feel that way.

"Why would he think that?" She asks as I respond, "I'm a Kingston" I tell her as she looks confused.

"I'm sorry but I genuinely don't know what your last name means. Are you famous or something? I feel like I've heard of that last name before. Maybe I'm just crazy." She mumbles as I stare at her face full as she tries to think.

"My aunt Tatum opened a boutique brand years ago that's now only online and worth millions. She actually has some makeup products my sister and cousins use. But my last name started with my great grandfather, he played in the NFL. Then my grandpa, his brother Noah, and his other brother Tucker played. Then my dad and my uncle Turner played in the NFL, so it's a family tradition. Even my brothers are playing now." I tell her as a light bulb goes off in her head and I see it.

"Bliss Boutique?" She asks as I nod.

"Yes, of course I know her! My line is carried on her website! She was famous because of that last name before she got married! I totally know her!" She tells me as I grin. I found the one person in New York who knows my family. I kind of like being here, I don't have the paparazzi outside of my house, people always asking for autographs, fan girls. It's just me and now Gemma, she's not going anywhere.

The waitress comes back over as Gemma order chicken and I trust her doing the same thing. It better be good for thirty dollars, I might have money but I don't like to spend it. I'd rather save it for my kids, and maybe my wife. So yeah, I actually do like spending money now, especially on Gemma.

"I love her she's the best. But I do have a question." I tell her as she nods.

"Where did the name Gemma come from? I've never heard of it before and I love it, it fits you." I tell her as she smiles.

"My mom" she tells me as she looks down at her hands. "My mom is the best mother ever. She started the line, she's been my biggest motivation and I love her. She said my sperm donor hated that name but she knew I was a gem so she named me Gemma. What about you I'm not going to lie every Brody I've met is kind of rude, and you aren't ." She tells me as I rub my finger across the napkin on the table top.

"My mom's the best too, her names Avery and she's the best, there's not another way to say it. She loves me to death along with my siblings and she made my lunch everyday until I moved out literally less than a week ago. She took me moving here hard, and I miss her as much as she misses me because I love my dad but my mom's always going to be special to me." I tell Gemma as she smiles.

"That's so sweet. I know a lot of men who won't talk to their moms and I hate that." She mumbles as I nod in agreement.

"My mom will most likely be here in a week she misses me so much." I tell Gemma as she smiles.

"So about Christian..." I start as she rolls her eyes and takes a sip of her drink. "We do not get along because I think he's a pussy but, I know about what he said and what happened." I tell her as she nods and rubs her arms under her jacket. Quickly realizing she's probably cold I strip off my jacket and hand it to her. I'm wearing a long sleeve shirt under it and it's not cold but the temperature is dropping a bit.

"Here" I tell her throwing it over her shoulders as she looks over at me. "Thank you" she whispers.

"If you know about it then what makes you so nice to me? I was so stupid and I hate what happened but I can't change it. I would if I could though, I regret it." She tells me as I reach across the table and grab one of her hands.

Brody's Gem (Kingston Spin-off #2)✔️Where stories live. Discover now