Chapter 4

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Killen's POV:

Ace and Ella's wedding was beautiful. After the I do's we headed down to the table where we were served three courses of delicious food by the top restaurants chef, had some family photos taken, and the best part of the entire night we finally found out the sex of Ace and Ella's baby in a confetti cannon gender reveal, announcing I'm about to be an uncle to a baby girl.

After the gender reveal, a lot of the older family members like Ella's Grandpa were getting tired, so Ace and Ella decided to wrap things up and encouraged everyone to head off in their own directions. Mom and Dad left helping Ella's grandpa to his room, and they were followed closely by Becky and Carl (Colson's parents) and his older sister Lottie who has a baby of her own Mila, and of course the Millers, Ivy, Malcom and Alyssa, while Grayson, and Jordan headed back to his room with Poppy, and Willow, Natalie, Riley and Colson hit the bar.

As I finish my cigarette, I turn to find Ace and Ella still standing on the beach, Ella with her arms wrapped around Ace's neck, as she smiles up at him, the two of them talking.

"What are you two still doing here?" I ask as I make my way over.

"Just waiting for the guys to come back so we can pay the tip and arrange the bill." Ace answers.

"Seriously? Dude, you just married a girl who is way too good for you, take her back to your room, I'll sort this." I chuckle.

"You don't mind?" Ace questions, holding out an envelope full of cash toward me.

"Go for it." I nod as I take the envelope.

"In that case." Ace leans down and taking Ella by surprise picks her up, sweeping her off her feet, holding her bridal style in his arms. "I'm going to take my wife to bed." He smirks

"Your going to carry me all the way back to the penthouse?" Ella giggles as she wraps her arms around his neck, holding onto him, her forehead pressed against his.

"Yes." He leans in pressing a kiss to the top of her nose, before making his way up the beach.

Watching Ace walk up the beach with Ella in his arms, I smile. I didn't know Ace knew how to smile until the day he met Ella; she is the best thing that's ever happened to him and even though I make a lot of jokes; I know he's the best thing that ever happened to her; I have never seen Ace show love to anyone the way he does Ella; he is always putting her first, doing nice things for her like taking her on dates, and surprising her with flowers, always thinking of what he can do for her to make her day better, and it's nice to see. I have no doubt the two of them are going to be together for the rest of their lives.

"Are you okay sir?" A member of the wait staff questions as he makes his way back to the table, a large, white tub in his hands to stack the used dishes into.

"Yes, I just wanted to give you this, it's the tips for everyone's services tonight, there is exactly five hundred dollars each, and please tell your boss to send the bill for dinner and service to the penthouse, my brother will sort it in the morning."

"I'm sorry, did you say five hundred dollars each?" He questions hesitantly as he takes the envelope from me.

"Yes." I nod.

"T-thank-you sir, I've never been tipped so much money before."

"Really? Isn't this place for rich people or something?" I ask, looking around.

"Yes sir, but the rich aren't always the best tippers." He chuckles softly.

"It's the least we can do." I shrug.

"Thank-you sir, enjoy your night."

Feeling a buzz against my leg, I slide my hand into the pocket of my suit pants and check the screen of my phone. "You too man." I say as I begin to walk up the beach and slide the text message, which is from Farah open.

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