Chapter 59

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"Are you sure your feeling okay?" Killen questions as he squeezes my hand in the back seat of the car, our driver pulling into the court house.

"I feel a little uneasy, but the sooner we can get this over and done with, the sooner we can get on with our lives." I remind.

"If you need to stop, or it gets to much for you, just call it okay? Nothing is more important to me then you and our babies." Killen leans over pressing a kiss to my lips.

"I love you." I smile against his lips.

"I love you, let's do this baby." He says before pulling back and opens the car door, then steps out and holds his hand out for me to take.

Taking his hand, I step out of the car and together we make our way up the stairs, using the back entry as there is a lot of media out the front all wanting to know what's going to happen to millionaire Bill Waldorf.

"Luna, right on time" Judge Sandor speaks as he see's Killen and I making our way down the hall.

"Hi Judge, yes we had to use the back entry, the media are swarming."

"I'm not surprised, he's of some what celebrity status. How are you feeling?"

"I'm okay, I just want this over and done with."

"I think it should be rather open and close, we have Amon testifying on the stand, and he has voice recordings to show the court of phone calls made by Bill asking him to commit the murder, so he will be going to jail for conspiracy to murder, and then the defamation case is on top of that, he's going to be in jail for at least twenty five years, and he's going to be broke."

"I hope so." I say softly.

"Anyway, follow me in, and we'll see where we're up to with everything."

Together Killen and I begin walking behind Sandor, but I stop dead in my tracks when I see my mother and father headed toward us.

"W-what are they doing here?" I swallow hard.

Looking up, Sandor looks in my line of vision, and he stops walking. "Stephanie and James May? They're representing Mr Waldorf. Do you know them?"

"No." I shake my head. "I used to, but I don't anymore. Uh, can I have just a moment please?"

"Of course, right through this door when you're ready."

As I look up at Killen I feel the anxiety taking over. "I can't do this, they're going to win the case, they're better then me, they-"

"Hey," Killen says softly as he places his hands on my cheeks. "You can do this, we have this baby, don't let them rattle you. They're not better then you, they have nothing on you."

"I shouldn't be surprised they're here, of course they're going against me, against us. It's just one final twist of the knife."

"Your better then them Luna, in every single possible way you're better then them. Keep your head up high and don't let them being here affect you, you've worked so damn hard on this case, you have everyone we need on our side taking the stand today, you've got this." He says once more. 

As I listen to the words leaving his lips, I smile softly. How is it possible for him to be so handsome and so perfect at the same time. "Thank you." 

"For what?"

"For always being here for me, and supporting me and encouraging me. I really don't know what I'd do without you Killy."

"Always, I love you." He smiles as he leans in, his nose gently resting on mine, and I feel the worry leaving my body. 

"I love you." I whisper before pressing a kiss to his lips.

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