Chapter 16

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It didn't take us long to hit the highway out of my home town and toward Killen's. So far the drive has been extremely quiet, nothing but the sound of Killen's music playing softly and the roads noise under the tires.

I knew things wouldn't go down well at home, but I didn't think it would end with me in Killen's car with half of my life packed into suitcases and headed to his home town which is four hours away.

If I'm honest I really didn't think this through, I know it's not like I had a choice, I had to leave, and I want to be with Killen, but Killen is still living at home with his parents and his younger sisters, sure maybe they'll be okay with me staying for a little while but after a while I'll ware out my welcome and I'll have to find a place of my own, but how am I going to do that with no job?

I'm going to have to get a job. The second I arrive in East I'm going to have to apply for jobs no matter what kind of work it is, I'm going to need to make money to be able to support myself. Oh god, what have I done? I shouldn't have spoken to my parents that way, I should have just said I was sorry and kept my mouth shut, I should have agreed I'd done the wrong thing and let it be, but I couldn't, I was scared I was going to lose Killen.

Reaching over, Killen takes my hand. "Whatever is troubling your mind stop thinking about it."

"H-How did you know?" I say as I look across at him.

"Your breathing, it quickened." He pulls my hand to his lips, kissing it gently. "Should we talk about the sponsorship thing?"

"Yes." I nod.

"My Dad is a wealthy man, way wealthier then I led you to believe before. He does own and run the club I work at, but he also owns many others around the country, as well as restaurants and recently he even bought a hotel. Because he has so much money, when people need help with money for their own business they sometimes come to Dad for help with finances and my Dad of course helps them, but he also takes a cut from the business."

"That makes sense, but what your telling me is your Dad owns half of my parents business?"

"Not half, but a percentage, yes." He nods.

"Why didn't you tell me before? Why didn't you tell me our parents knew each other?"

"Because I didn't know until I saw your Dad for the first time today. I recognised him, he's been to our house before, I didn't know his name, Dad always introduced him as a work colleague, so until I saw him today, I didn't know, and I still wasn't one hundred percent sure until I saw the look on his face when I told him who my Dad is and that confirmed it."

"But my parents have money, why would they need money from other people?"

"I don't know the ins and outs of the deal, we can ask my Dad if you're really curious about it when we get home."

"Okay." I nod and turn, looking out the window, my mind taken over by a million thoughts. "Does your Dad own Salt?" I question, looking back at him.

"Part of it." He nods.

"So that's how you really got us the table huh? You did a name drop Mr. Shelby." I joke as I look across at him once more.

"What can I say, people like doing business with me." He grins.

Killen's POV:

Luna and I haven't done much talking during the car ride which isn't normal for us because we're always talking, but we both also have a lot on our minds. I know my mind is filled with a million thoughts right now and my body with emotion.

I can't believe what I witnessed at her home today, everything she told me about her parents, how they're controlling, how they push her around and make her feel small, how they're so strict and over the top, it's worse then I could have ever imagined. When she said they weren't always nice, I didn't think she meant her Dad hits her like that.

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