Chapter 48

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Luna's POV:

This morning Bella, Jex and I went back to the hospital and signed all of Killen's care forms. We listed ourselves as well as Willow and Jordan as the people who are able to look after him full time, as well as Alyssa as his Doctor on call, and with all of that in place, they were happy to let him come home.

Since helping him into bed, he of course hasn't been able to leave it, he has a few weeks on bed rest yet for his knee and ribs to recover, so everyone has been in and out most of the day spending time with him, and he and Colson have been playing Xbox.

"Luna." Willow calls from her bedroom as I make my way passed, a food tray in my hands.

"Yes?" I ask as I stop, sticking my head into the room.

"I need your help, Colson wants to go out for dinner tonight, just the two of us."

"Ohhhh, like a date?" I wiggle my brows with a smile.

"I have no idea, he made it clear it would just be me and him, so is that a date? Are we dating?"

Giggling, I look down at the tray. "Let me give Killen his dinner and I'll be right with you."

"Okay, hurry." She says in a fluster.

Making my way further down the hall, I push Killen's bedroom door open, to find him and Colson laying on the bed next to each other propped up on pillows, as they yell at the TV, playing Xbox.

"Sorry to interrupt lovers." I tease. "I have your dinner Killy."

"Thanks beautiful." He says as he pauses the game.

"I'll leave you two to play naughty nurse, I'm going to shower." Colson says as he places his controller down.

"Nope, you stay and play naughty nurse, Willow needs me, she tells me someone's taking her on a date." I raises a brow.

"A date?" Killen rises a brow. "Who would be that stupid?" He jokes.

"Some lucky son of a bitch." Colson grins.

Leaving the two to bicker, I exit the room and head back to Willows room. "What can I help you with?" I ask as I enter.

"Is this a date? Should I get dressed up or just be casual? I have no idea what's happening, I don't even know where we're going."

"I don't have the answer to any of that, but what I can tell you is you look stunning no matter what, so no matter what you put on you'll look beautiful, why don't you just put on a nice dress and then see what Colson's wearing and you can dress it up or down with heels or sneakers depending."

"Your smart Luna May, very smart." she smiles.

"LUNA, HELP ME!!!!" Killen yells from his room chuckling. "HE'S STARVING ME! HE'S EATING ALL MY FOOD."

Giggling I shake my head. "You okay from here?"

"I'll call you if I need you." Willow smiles.

Exiting the room, I head for Killen's room, pushing the door open once more. It's there I find Colson eating his toast that goes with his soup. "Colson! Your meant to be helping him eat."

"I am helping him eat." He says with a mouth full of toast

"I meant help him eat his food, not eat it for him." I say as I take the plate from him. "Go and shower, I'll take over."

"Thank god. I thought I was going to starve to death." Killen says dramatically.

Giggling I help him sit up and pull the tray off the side table placing it over his lap. "Is that okay or do you need me to sit you up a bit more?"

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