Chapter 65

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Killen's POV:

It's been just over 6 months since Luna and I were married in Las Vegas, 6 months since I married the love of my life and we truly began our life together as husband and wife.

A lot has changed in the last 6 months since arriving back home in East Cliff, but every change has been for the very best. A month after returning home, Luna and I moved into our new home, the one we'd both fallen in love from the moment we saw it, located around the corner from Ace and Ella in a safe, gated community, and quickly we turned the house into a home, the place we feel safe, and comfortable.

Aside from moving into our house, I've also had a few changes at work, taking on more responsibilities and stepping up to second in charge under Ace, who's also had some big changes come his way, now being the leader of the Vipers and working hard to be the leader he needs to be, but also continuing to be the family man he's always wanted to be, spending as much time with Ella (who is currently pregnant with their second child) and Storm who is almost ten months old now as possible.

While I'm doing well with the extra responsibility at work, and I've surprised myself at how well I'm handling being the manager, and doing the hiring and firing, and being hard on people when I need to be. I am however really missing having Luna by my side every day, though she has a very, very good reason for why she isn't currently working, because a couple of months ago, our identical twin girls, Andi and Ivy arrived into the world.

This morning, just like most mornings, I've been at Vipe, arranging the paperwork and dealing with funds, but thankfully I didn't have too much to do, allowing me to leave work early and arrive home to my three beautiful girls.

As I park my car in it's usual spot and watch the large, black gate close at the end of the driveway, I make my way up the front steps and unlock the front door with my code. As I step inside, the first thing I notice is it's very quiet. By now it's around lunch time, so Luna is probably putting the girls down for a sleep.

Quietly, I make my way up the stairs and toward Andi and Ivy's room where Luna and I put them down to sleep during the day, however during the night they sleep in our room with us in their own single bassinets.

As I reach the door and peek in, I find Luna rocking Andi in her arms, singing to her softly in an attempt to get her to sleep, and Ivy, fast asleep in her bassinet.

"Hey baby." I whisper, not wanting to wake Ivy, or unsettle Andi further.

"Hey, how was work?" Luna whispers back with a soft smile.

"Busy." I say softly as I make my way into the room and press a kiss to her lips. "I'm missing having my very sexy P.A at work with me everyday."

"Mmm." She hums with a giggle. "We got no work done and you know it, boss." she winks.

"Damn it baby girl, don't talk like that." I smirk as I press a kiss to the side of her neck quickly. "Is she not settling?" I ask, referring to Andi.

"No, she's been a little grouchy today. I've fed her, her nappy is changed, she's not running a temperature, she's not sick, she's just not herself." She says softly, and right on cue, Andi begins to cry, a soft, sweet, enough to break your heart cry.

"Aww baby girl." I say softly as I take her from Luna and rock her in my arms, stroking her back much the same as Luna had been. "It's okay, Daddy has you." I speak to her, and instantly she settles, her eyes closing. "What's the matter today huh?" I continue to talk to her.

"She's Daddy's girl, that's her issue today, she wanted you." Luna giggles softly and leans down pressing a kiss to Andi's head, before pressing another small kiss to my lips. "Are you okay to put her down, I missed a call from Willow earlier, it might be about dinner tonight."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2022 ⏰

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