Chapter 27

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Killen's POV:

I can't believe I forgot Luna's birthday, all this baby stuff with Farah has really clouded my mind, and somehow, I managed to forget it was my own girlfriend's special day, and replaced it with the date being important because I had the scan with Farah to find out the sex of the baby.

At this point I don't know how Luna hasn't left me. She's put up with so much in the last couple of months, and I know she assures me it's all good and she gives me her best fake smile, but I see through it.

While I know she doesn't mind me going to scans and talking to Farah about the baby, in the last couple of weeks Farah has really been pushing things by calling me at all hours of the night asking me to pick things up for her, like food and drinks, and other things she claims she needs, and rather than fighting her, I just do it, because I don't want her to take my son away from me.

Luna was fine with it the first couple of times, but I can see the more it's happening, the more she's feeling uncomfortable with it, and I don't blame her. I wouldn't like her running after her ex-boyfriend at any time of the day, let alone in the middle of the night.

After Willow came in and reminded me, I headed back into the room and told Luna I had to help Dad with something and I'd be back in a couple of hours, she seemed confused, but after I lied and said it was Mafia stuff and she didn't want to know about it, she just nodded her head and told me to be safe.

With my lie having worked, Willow, Mom and I headed to the shops, leaving Jordan, Ace and Ella at home in case Luna came downstairs and wondered where everyone had gone.

The race around the shops was a quick one, with not long until they closed, but all of us managed to get her a gift, for me it was easy, I already knew what I wanted to get for her, I had it planned, only I was such a horrible boyfriend that I forgot the date.

After we arrived home, Ella informed us Luna was in the shower, so Willow rushed upstairs and wrapped the presents for everyone, while Mom headed for the kitchen and began setting the table, sitting out the take out in the middle of it, Luna's favourite, Italian.

"I think we're good, go and see if Luna is ready." Mom calls to me.

Making my way upstairs, I pass Willow who is running back down them with her arms full of gifts and I head to the end of the hall, my gift for her in my pocket.

"Luna?" I call as I open the door.

"Bathroom." She calls back.

Making my way into the bathroom, I find her brushing her hair, she's dressed in her sleep shorts and a singlet, her usual attire after a shower. "You look ready for bed."

"I feel it, it's been a long day, and I've been in the sun, it always makes me tired." She presses a kiss to my cheek before moving passed me, heading into the main part of our bedroom.

"Luna." I take her hand, pulling her back to me. "Baby I'm so sorry."

"What for?"

"I think you know." I swallow hard, feeling the guilt take over my body. "It's your birthday today, and I forgot all about it."

"It's fine, you had a lot on your mind with the baby and you had the scan with Farah, it's not a big deal Kill." She shrugs as she sits on the edge of the bed.

"But it is a big deal." I kneel down in front of her, placing my hands on her thighs as I look up at her. "I feel like the worst boyfriend in the world, nothing comes above you Luna, you are the most important person in the world to me, and I need you to know how sorry I am."

"Killen it's fine really, once you have a child, or you're getting ready to bring a child into the world things that don't matter slip your mind and there is nothing wrong with that. When we woke up this morning and you didn't say anything, I knew you'd forgotten and I was fine with it, don't feel bad."

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