Chapter 64

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Killen's POV:

"Holy shit." I grin as I step out of the car, now standing in front of the small white chapel.

"If anyone was getting married in Vegas by Elvis, I always thought it would be me, marrying some stripper while I'm blind drunk and didn't know what I was doing, not you and Luna getting married seriously." Colson chuckles as he steps out of the car.

"Well what can I say, I have an extremely cool wife." I chuckle.

"She's not your wife just yet my friend." A man dressed as Elvis speaks as he makes his way out the door. "You must be Killen?" He says as he holds out his hand. "Elvis, nice to meet you."

"You too." I chuckle softly.

"We have everything set up and ready to go, so if you guys would like to make your way in, I'm sure it won't be long until the girls are joining you."

"You heard the man, let's head in." I tell Colson, Dex, and Ace (Who also has baby storm with it) and we all make our way inside.

Looking around at the small chapel, I smile once more. This is everything I imagined it would be, church style seating in the form of large wooden rowed pews, with white flowers stuck to each end, somehow actually looking tasteful and not tacky. The carpets are a light gray with a red carpet running down the middle of it and at the end of the room, a wooden squared off area, which is where I'm assuming Luna and I will be standing to be married, and at either end, to the left and right hand side are tall candelabra's with the same flowers attached to them as the ones on the end of each pew.

Hearing voices, I turn around, that's when I see Becky, Carl, Lottie and Mila making their way into the chapel, with Alyssa and Malcom right behind them.

"You guys made it!" I greet with a hug.

"We wouldn't miss it for the world Killen, we're so excited for you." Becky replies as she returns my hug.

"Come and take a seat, it shouldn't be long until the girls arrive, and then Luna will be here and we'll get this all under way."

As I make my way toward the wooden area, I stand still for a moment, taking a deep breath. A moment later, Elvis approaches. "I just wanted to make sure, I can't help falling in love is the song you've chosen for Luna's arrival?"

"Yeah, that's the one." I nod.

As the doors open once more, Elvis makes his way back toward the end of the room, and I look up to see Mom, Jordan, Willow, Vanessa and Ella all make their way into the building, all of them looking stunning in nice dresses and with their hair and make-up done.

Vanessa makes her way toward the front first and smiles. "You did such a good job with that pink Cadi Killy, she cried." She informs me.

"She did? She was surprised?"

"So surprised." She nods with a smile and slides in next to Dex who is now sitting with Alyssa and Malcom, and Ace, Ella and Storm. "Look at you, you look so handsome." She presses a kiss to his lips.

"You look beautiful as always." He replies with a smile.

"You two might be next." I comment with a grin.

"A man can dream Killen, a man can dream." Dex replies, causing Vanessa to blush.

As I look across at the other side of the room, I see Becky and Carl sitting with Mom, Jordan, Willow, Lottie and Colson sitting together, no surprises Colson and Willow are next to one another, and as I watch them, he whispers something to her, causing her to giggle Maybe I was wrong, maybe it won't be Vanessa and Dex next up, maybe it'll be Willow and Colson.

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