Chapter 22

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"You're sure this isn't under dressed?" I ask Killen as I step out of the walk-in wardrobe dressed in the same outfit I had shown him earlier in the day.

"You look beautiful." Killen assures.

As I look in his direction, a smile grows across my lips. Killen looks so handsome tonight. As usual he's dressed in his black ripped skinny jeans, and black sneakers, but he has a cream-coloured dress shirt on, rolled at the sleeves. I haven't seen him in a dress shirt since our date night at Salt.

"You look so handsome." I make my way toward him and wrap my arms around him, looking up at him, the same smile on my face.

"And you look beautiful, stop worrying." He leans down pressing a kiss to my lips.

"What do you think?" Willow questions as she makes her way into the room, dressed in a figure-hugging dress in white, coming to her mid-thigh, and cut into a deep V, showing off her assets.

"I think you look hot girlfriend!" I smile.

"I think Dad's going to have a heart attack, Grandad too for that matter." Killen adds.

"Eh." She flicks her long black perfectly straight hair over her shoulder, her half hope earrings becoming visible.

"Oh wow, your earrings are stunning."

"Thanks, Coley got them for me." She says with a smile.

"Coley?" Killen laughs. "Oh, this just gets better and better." He leans down and presses a kiss to my cheek. "I'll see you down there, I'm going to make fun of Colson."

As I watch him leave the room, I giggle softly. That's the side of Killen I hope he never loses; he is so playful and silly.

"So, he's buying you jewellery now?" I comment, acting as if I didn't know anything about it. "Are you sure he doesn't have a thing for you?"

"We're sleeping together, he probably has some kind of feelings but not in that way." She shrugs. "He said he saw them and thought of me so he just got them."

Oh yeah? He just happened to be in a designer jewellery store and just happened to see them? Okay.... sure Willow.

"Anyway, how are you feeling about meeting the family?" She sits on the edge of the bed, looking up at me as I fix my hair in the mirror.

"I'm nervous, they hated your dad so much when he met them, what if they hate me or think I'm bad for Killen?"

"They could never think that because it's not true, they've always liked Ella and you and her are a lot alike, but your also yourself you're a wonderful person Luna, there is no comparison, don't worry about it, really."

At the sound of the doorbell ringing, Willow stands to her feet. "That will be everyone starting to arrive, we should probably get down there."

"You go first." I smile.

As Willow leaves the room, I take a deep, shaky breath, and close my eyes for a moment, trying to keep my heart rate under control.

"You okay beautiful?" Killen questions, and I open my eyes looking toward him.

"Yeah, I'm okay I'm just feeling a little nervous." I say as I pick up my moon necklace from the side table and clasp it around my neck.

"I promise you; you don't need to worry; I'll be right by your side." He makes his way into the room and takes my hand pulling me toward him.

"What if they don't like me?" I ask softly as I place my hands on his shoulders, looking up at him.

"How could they possibly not like you Luna?" He asks as he rests his forehead against mine. "And even if they didn't, I couldn't care less, Mom loves you, Dad loves you, all of the girls love you, hell even Ace thinks we're perfect together and likes having you in our lives and he hates most people, but above all of that, I love you, and that's all that matters to me."

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