Chapter 3

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Chapter 3:

I hear beeping, and I feel a small amount of warmth on my face, like I'm sitting in the sun.

My eyes flutter open, it's bright for a second, then it fades.

I am laying in a hospital bed with a tube in my arm and a cast on my right hand.

I stand up and wheel the stand that has the liquid for the tube in my arm to the window.

I'm in a city, one that I've never seen before. There are all those "people" ambling around outside.

I back up from the window and look around for a possible weapon, because who knows who these people could be.

I see nothing around that I could use, so I take the needle out of my arm and walk towards the door.

"Hey! Hey let me out!" I scream while bang slightly.

The door opens and a woman with sleek black hair put up in a bun, and a cop uniform on walks in. Followed by a man with very little, and very light brown hair, with glasses and a white coat. He must be a doctor.

"Put the needle down." The woman says while pointing a gun at me.

I don't move.

"I said put the needle down." She says again a little more forcefully.

I drop the needle and she holsters her gun.

The doctor starts telling me that they found me on the side if the road surrounded by "people". I had a fractured wrist and a sprained ankle, so they brought me here.

I nod and the doctor told me if I need anything to tell him. I nod once again and he leaves, the police woman goes to follow, but I stop her.

"The man I was with.. is he here too?" I ask terrified of the answer.

"You were alone." Is all she tells me before she leaves.

I slump down on the bed, and hold back a tear. I don't cry anymore. I can't cry anymore.

"How am I going to find him?" I quietly say to myself.

I shake my head and exit my room. The doctor is waiting outside. He shows me the cafeteria and tells me how things work around here.

I nod at all of his information and he sends me back to my room to rest for a day.

It doesn't seem that bad around here. The head police woman, whose name I found out is Dawn, gives off a vibe. I don't like it, she doesn't seem to be the person she claims.

I enter my room and close the door behind me.

There is a knock on the door.

I walk over and open the door.

"Look who's up and about." The man says and enters my room without me wanting him too. He has a green lollipop in his mouth and he twiddles it between his fingers.

I can recognize his voice. It's Gorman, the cop that tried to touch me in the car.

"Y-yes." I stutter unintentionally.

"Do you remember me doll?" He says smirking and taking a step closer. He removes the lollipop from his mouth and puts it against my lips.

I nod. He makes a sign for me to open my mouth. I shut my lips tighter.

"I'll leave you alone if you do this." He says with a perverted smirk.

I open my mouth slightly and shoves it in my mouth and slowly pulls it out.

He returns back to his mouth and shuts his eyes tightly, breathing heavily.

"Feel better soon." He winks and leaves my room.

I sit down on the side of the bed and look out the window.

The sun is setting and I hope wherever Daryl and the others are, they are okay and safe.


So that was the third chapter. I've already pre-written about 10 chapters so it should be updated pretty quickly.

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