Chapter 6

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Chapter 6:

Carol had been here for three days and she still hasn't woken up. She cracked a rib and hit her head on the pavement. They said she should be okay. I don't believe a word they say, even though in this case I really hope they are telling the truth.

Dawn keeps coming in and pestering me, telling me I know Carol. I don't answer her ever. Just as I think that, she enters the room.

"Beth?" She says to me while I'm looking away.

"I'm not stupid Beth, I know you know her. It doesn't have to be some big secret either. We aren't going to hurt either of you." She says and puts on a fake smile.

I still don't say anything. But then I think of something, just to aggravate her. When I open my mouth to speak, Carol opens her eyes.

Dawn looks at her.

"Oh! You're awake. Good, you had quite an accident. I would like to personally apologize for my officers hitting you. They thought you were a one of the dead." Carol nods then looks at me and I shake my head and give her a look, warning her not to say anything about me.

She looks away quickly.

"I never got your name." Carol says looking at Dawn intensely.

"I'm sorry, my name's Dawn." She fake smiles again.

"Yea. Who's blondie over there?" She asks and its hard for me not to laugh at Carol calling me blondie, but I control myself.

"My name's Beth, it's nice to meet you." I say smiling slightly at her. She nods and Dawn starts talking to her again.

"Beth will be showing you how things work around here as soon as you're able to get back on your feet." She says and quickly exits the room without another word.

As soon as I know she's gone I run over and hug Carol lightly making sure I don't hurt her, then give her a small kiss on the cheek.

"Beth! Your face.. did she do that to you?" I nod and she gasps.

"Carol, we've got to get out of here. I tried escaping before, but only my friend got out."

"Noah.." Carol says and my head shoots up.

"How did you know that." I ask her.

"Well, I found Tyreese with baby Judith." I immediately smile knowing 'my' baby girl is alright.

"We then figured out that everyone else was at this place called Terminus. It was full of cannibals. So I got everyone out. Rick, Carl, Maggie, Glenn, Michone, Sasha, Bob a few other people as well, and Daryl." I can't help but smile knowing that everyone is okay and my sister is alive.

"After we got Rick and Carl back with Judith, we found this priest and he let us stay at his church. Daryl and I were out gettin' supplies and we saw a car go past and he automatically started the car we had and followed it all the way here. He figured he could find you that way." My heart nearly explodes knowing that he was looking for me.

"We came into town, and we found Noah. He actually attacked us for weapons, but we found him later and told us that you were here. I said I'd go ahead and try and see what this place was like, and as I was crossing the street, they hit me with the car. So I assume Daryl went back to get the others. That was our deal. If one of us went down, or was taken by these people, the other goes back."

That was almost 3 days ago. They should be here soon.

He should be here soon.


Hey! Thank you for reading. I'll try to update soon.

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I forgot to write this in my last chapter...

R.I.P to a great man during a zombie apocalypse.

We will miss you Tyreese.

I'd also like to say that Daryl crying in the last episode killed me.


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