Chapter 30

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Chapter 30

Walking slowly down this dark hallway is terrifyin'. I can' tell where the next turn is or if there's anythin' that can kill me. I shine the flashlight attached to my bow in front a me to see where I'm goin'. It's not helpin' much, but it'll do.

I reach the end of the tunnel an' see a small amoun' of light comin' from my right side. I cautiously walk towards it. I make the turn inta the room an' immediately lower my bow.

There's a man holdin' a gun... well a dead man. There's also a sign.

Couldn't take it anymore... help yourself.

Its written on cardboard an' is restin' on a bunch a cans of food an a few bottles of water.

I walk over, gently kickin' the guy in his foot makin' sure he won' move.
I reach inta my back pocket an' take out my red rag. I place the small cans of tuna fish in it an' the one can of beans. Then take the water bottles an' put them in my pockets.

When I'm done, I back out of the room an' inta the hallway again. Towards the ladder.

I start to climb back towards the light. Slowly makin' my way to the top. I stick my bow out first knowin' that Beth will grab it. When its taken from my hand I maneuver my way out of the small hole in the floor.

"Find anythin'?" Beth quietly asks.

"Yea, poor son a bitch shot himself. But he left us some food and water." I tell her handin' her the bottles and cans. She nods an' takes the stuff holdin' the rag carefully not to drop anythin'.

"We should get some rest. We have to keep going tomorrow. Early." Aaron says. Beth an' I nod.

She starts to make her way downstairs with the food cans. She reaches the kitchen an' places the stuff in her bag.

"Daryl!" She sorta shouts just as I'm walkin' in the kitchen.


"Get rid of that." She says disgusted pointin' to the pigs foot I left on the table.

I chuckle an' cover the jar again, takin' the pigs foot an' eatin' it. She squirms at the sight.

"You grew up on a farm Greene. You can' seriously be bothered by a little pigs foot?" I question.

"Its disgustin'. Its a piglets foot." She scrunches her face up adorably. I smirk an' she zips her bag up.

"Smirk all you want. I'm gonna go try to sleep." She says takin' her bag an' passin' me goin' back up the stairs.

I think about followin' her. I stand in the kitchen doorway for a good five minutes before makin' my way inta the livin' room. I walk over to the couch an' put my bow down. I lean against the arm of the sofa an' start to push on it. Slowly pushin' the couch over in fronta the door. Walking back over I grab my bow. I mean if I'm gonna sleep upstairs, I wanna feel a little bit safer.

I make my way upstairs slowly still tryin' to make sure that everythin' is safe an' locked up downstairs. I reach the top an' walk down the hall passin' the room that had the hole in the floor. I see Aaron layin' down on the bed facin' the ceilin'.

I continue down the hallway an' find Beth in a girls room. She's standin' aroun' lookin' at the junk thats all over the room.

I don' walk in not wantin' to let her know that I'm watchin' her. She stops an' looks at a small toy horse on the bookshelf, smilin', she picks it up an' wipes the dust off of it. She puts it back down an' turns aroun' to see me standin' in the doorway.

"Oh! I didn' see you there." She says a little surprised an' embarrassed.

"Sorry, you just looked like you were havin' a happy moment. I didn' wanna interupt it." I say lookin' down.

She walks over an' wraps her arms aroun' my waste. I rest my chin on her head. "Yea its so nice to have happy moments like these now a days." She mumbles inta my chest an' squeezes me tighter.

"Lets get some rest." I tell her an' pick her up an' place her on the bed. Her gigglin' the whole way.

I take off my bow an' lay down next ta her. "G'night Greene." I say quietly.

"G'night Mr. Dixon." She says an' I smile myself to sleep.

We woke up early an' left after gettin' a quick bite. We've been on on the road for at least seven an' a half hours now.

We've just pulled in to an' old truck yard. We park outside the fence an' pull it open. Closin' it behind us we walk up to the big trucks. This musta been a food shippin' place.

I walk in first takin' out the little amount of walkers. Beth an' Aaron help. Once we're done we continue up the ramps to the backs of the trucks.

Aaron immediately starts lookin' for license plates an' finds a rare one apparently. I didn' hear where it was from. I honestly could care less. Beth is standin' next to me as I bend over to open one of the trucks doors. I unhitch the latch an' when I do, I wire shoots up an' opens the rest of the trucks doors all full of walkers. I push Beth behin' me as they come flyin' out. Aaron goes runnin' down the ramp an' Beth follows leavin' me last.

They have already cut off our path an' we're forced under a truck to try an' find another way aroun'. Walkers start to surround the other side just as we get out. I grab a chain from under the truck as I escape.

"Duck!" I scream at Beth an' she hits the ground just as I whip the chain aroun' and take the heads off three walkers.

I help her back up an' we follow Aaron over to an empty car. Aaron jumps in an' I follow him. I look back up an' see
Beth closin' the door of the car an' runnin' off in a different direction.

"Beth!" I scream through the glass. "Beth!" "No!" I scream louder. But I know she can't hear me. The walkers block the window an' I lose sight of the blonde girl.

I try to get out but there are too many of them. "Beth." I mumble an' smash my hand against the glove compartment.

Aaron an' I sit there in silence as I reply the image of the girl I care so deeply for disappear into the sea of walkers.

"Daryl.." Aaron mumbles. "I understand that you're going through something right now. Believe me I'm deeply sorry, but we need to find a way out of this car or we'll die." He says an' it snaps me outta my thoughts. He's right. Beth just sacrificed herself for us an' we can't just die after she did that.

"Okay, try to find somethin' that could be used as a weapon besides my bow an' our knives." He nods an' starts lookin' throughout the car.

The next thing I know a walkers head smashes against the window in an explosion of blood. Then another,then another.

My heart starts to pound. It's Beth. I know it is. The door flies open an' my heart drops. "C'mon!" I'm shouted at as an unfamiliar man helps us outta the car as we fight off walkers.

"This way!" He says again an' we follow him to the other side of the fence. The safe side.... without her.


Hey guys! So thats chapter 30 woo hoo. I think I'm going to have 32 chapters so sadly this story will be ending soon. I might have an epilogue as well.

But all I know is that bitches are dying soon. XD sorry...

Well please continue to vote and comment. I'll try to update soon...ish. Please don't be mad if I don't. I always forget when I write stuff in the summer.

Anyways. ILYASM


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