Chapter 23

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Chapter 23:

I wake up when the RV comes to a stop in a small town. It has to be around midnight almost. The air is moist and cool as it flows in through. the open window.

I grab my crossbow and walk out of the bedroom. I immediately see Beth look at me, and then shift her eyes away quickly to look back at the baby she is currently holdin'. Like nothin' happened.

"Daryl?" Maggie asks.

"Hmm?" I grunt. I already know where this conversation is goin'.

"What happened?" She whispers.

"Nothin'." I grunt again and walk away. Maggie don't need to know my fuckin' business. I don't really give a damn if its her sister or not.

I step out if the RV, basically pushin' down "Mr. Mullet" in the process. I lift my crossbow up an' stand next to Abraham as we get ready to clear out any walkers in our way.

We step up to the ol' brick buildin' an' bang on the doorframe. We give it a few secon's. Nothin' comes out, and we don't her anythin', so we take a few steps in, shinin' a flashlight just in case.

You can definitely smell that this is an ol' buildin' as we take a few minutes to go through every room to make sure there ain't nothin' here.

"All clear." Abraham says and I nod. We found a few candles in a box. We light a bunch, as Rosita and Tara help that guy Eric inside and lay him on the ground to rest.

Carol comes over. "We still have to contact Rick, and quickly." She says, handin' me the flare gun. I wrap my fingers around it tightly and nod.

I take it from her and go outside again. I stand in the middle of the alley and shoot the flare up on an angle to get a better range of view.

Now all we have to do is wait.

I decide to stay outside, so they know where we are at. I'm playin' with my knife in my han' as the door opens up. Beth walks out.


"Hmm." I grunt rudely. She flinches, but recovers quickly.

"I'd like to apologize again for what happened before." She says rubbin' her arm awkwardly and avoidin' all eye contact.

"S'fine. Not like it meant anythin." I say hopin' to get her to drop this subject. I'm still a little confused about the whole situation. I don't want to put feelin's in her head that ain't there.

"Oh.." She says defeated an' hurt. I automatically feel bad 'bout what I said, but I stan' my ground. "I'm just gonna go for a little walk I guess." She says steppin' down from the stoop.

"Beth. It's late, dark, and gettin' colder. Don't go walkin' around in an area ye don't know." I say grabbin' her wrist to make her stop.

She looks down sharply at my head, but calmly looks back up at me. "I'll be fine Daryl. You don't have to worry about me, I'm not your responsibility, right?" She says with dagger eyes, that sting down to my very soul. I can tell though, that all she is tryin' to do is hurt me back.

"Beth.." I say smoothly.

"What?! You don't care about me?" She says raisin' her voice a little.

"Beth. Stop." This time with aggravation and warnin'.

"Why should you? I'm just an ignorant little girl?" She says louder.

"Ya know what. Yea ye are, especially how you are actin' right now!" I scream back.

"Only because you can't see nothin'." She mumbles still starin' at me.

"Really? I can't see? Then how come I can see that everythin' you are sayin' right now is just to hurt me, so you can feel better 'bout before?" I say steppin' closer to her face and towerin' over her.

She looks down. "I'm sorry." She whispers. "I-..." She says but I cut her off.

"Hol' on." I pause to listen. "Ye hear that?" Foot steps, gettin' louder and closer.

I turn around and see shadows bein' casted on the wall across the street.

I whistle and Rick comes turnin' the corner. He jogs down, as I turn aroun' to bang on the glass part of the door to alert the others they're here.

I walk over and pat Rick on the back as well as Glenn, then hug Michonne.

Maggie comes sprintin' out, with Carl and Carol behind her.

"Eric!" Aaron shouts.

"He's inside." Maggie says as she releases Glenn from a hug. Aaron goes stormin' off into the buildin' as Carl goes sprintin' over.

"Dad!" He says in relief as he embraces his father, the walks to give Michonne a hug.

Carol gives Rick a hug as well, and then moves to Glenn and Michonne.

Rick walks over and embraces Beth, who has now put a smile on her face, even though I know she is still upset.

"Everythin' alright?" He asks us both.

"Peachy." Beth rolls her eyes and I grunt at her bratty remark.

Rick gets the idea and walks back over to Carl.

"I'm goin' for a walk." She repeats again and turns quickly so I can't argue.

I wait 'til she is further away.

"Maggie?" I whisper loudly so it isn't too obvious.

"What is it?" She says concerned, and walks over to me with Glenn by her side.

"Please go follow your dumbass sister who thinks its a great idea to go for a fuckin' walk right now." I say angrily and knowin' that I'd just end up screamin' at her if I went.

Maggie's eyes open wide and go runnin' after her sister.

Damn that girl can get under ya skin.


So chapter 23 is done. Our babies are still struggling, butI can promise you it will get better.

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