Chapter 16

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Chapter 16:

I slightly open my eyes, and I immediately shut them again.

"Damn it's bright." I mumble.

"Oh thank god you're up, you've been out for almost whole two days." A
female voice says to me.

I open my eyes again and this time I see the last person I ever expected.,


"No.. yer dead. You're not here!" I start panicking.

"Bethy what are you talkin' about?" She asks me.

"Is everythin' alright here?" A male voice says, then he comes into view.


"No. I killed you. You're not here!" I start breathin' heavily and panicking even more.

"Beth..." another person says to me. I turn, hen I can see where the voice is coming from. Rick comes into view and lightly grabs my arm.

"Beth, they aren't here, yer safe. Just breathe okay.. relax." He tells me and I calm down.

When I look away from him I can see who was really there.

Maggie was to my right, Rick to my left, and Glenn next to him.

"I'm okay now." I turn. "Sorry Mags, I just got a little startled thats all." I say still breathing a little heavier.

"Don't worry. I'll go get you some water." She tells me.

"I'll get you something to eat." Glenn tells me as well.

Maggie pushes some of my hair behind my ear, and stands up.

Glenn stands up and kisses my fore head before walking away.

"Uhm Rick?"

"Hmm?" He mutters.

"Did I by any chance ask you anything at any point of me being unconscious?" I ask and he smirks. I immediately know it was real.

"Yea. You said that your head hurt." He says and I release a breath I didn't know I was holdin'.

He continues.

"Also you asked if Daryl was okay." He says still smirkin'.

"Ugh. I was afraid of that." I groan.
"But Rick, somethin' happened while I was out. I had this dream." I tell him and he looks intrigued.

"I have to tell everyone though." He nods, helps me up and we walk over to everyone gathered around the gleaming fire.

The sun has begun to set, and it is getting colder. Autumn is definitely on its way.

I look over at Daryl standin' against the firetruck. He looks at me wide eyed and checks me over to see if I'm okay. I merely nod and he returns the same action.

I sit down next to Maggie and Carl.
Maggie hands me water and Carl hands me Judy.

"Everyone. Beth says she has somethin' she'd like to share with us. Beth?" Rick announces and I smile at everyone.

"Well when I was out I had this dream." Everyone leans in a little closer.

"We were on the farm: Me, Maggie, Shawn, Momma, Daddy, Otis, and Patricia. They kept tellin' me that they were gonna be here soon. I was cleanin' the house for them, and I didn't even know who they were. Just then, a car pulls up. Rick steps out, followed a younger version of Carl, and Lori holdin' Judy." I pause to look at Rick.

His face isn't showin' much emotion, but his eyes, his eyes are smilin'

I continue."Rick went inside to talk to Daddy. Later Another two cars pulled up. Shane, Andrea, Amy, Dale, Michonne, and Glenn all step out of one. Tyreese, Sasha, T-Dog, and Bob all step out of the other. They walk inside as well. Glenn goes and kisses Maggie, and Dale went to shake hands and hug everyone. Eventually, Carol, Ed, and Sofia come out of another car. They come inside and we all end up goin' out back to barbecue. Even Abraham, Rosita, Eugene, Tara, and Noah show up. About an half hour later, we all heard the roaring of engines pulling up to the house. Who else but the Dixon brothers come into the back yard later than always." I look at Daryl, who just smirks slightly at the thought.

"We would barbecue, and go on vacation, and go campin'. The men would go huntin' and the women would stay home and chat and prepare dinner. The kids would play, and even sometimes, Daryl would take them for rides on his motorcycle." I laugh a little and everyone smiles.

"But it was nice. No walkers, no governors, no prisons. Just us. Just like I wish it could be." I say starin' into the fire.

"I just thought I'd share that with you." I mumble and Maggie squeezes my arm.

"We're glad ya did." Rick says and everyone nods in agreement.

He stands up.

"Alright, now that we've heard the lovely story. We must all get some rest. We leave early tomorrow, so rest. Especially our injured folk." He pauses to look at me and Daryl. I laugh and Daryl huffs.

Everyone disperses and I walk over to the car again. Instead if going inside right away, I climb on the roof and lay down instead.

I look at the stars, somethin' that I normally never get the chance to do anymore. The sky is clear but it is getting colder out lately.

"Mhmm." Someone clears their voice. I turn and sit up to see Daryl standin' there.

"Ye might wanna get inside, don't wanna freeze." He mutters.

"Guess not.." I take one last look at the sky.

"G'night daddy. I miss you." I say before hoppin' down.

"Uh.. here." Daryl says holdin' out a small blanket for me.

"Th..thanks." I stutter a little at the gesture, but I take it and climb inside the car to get some rest for tomorrow.

Like the other times, I climb in the back seat and lay down. Daryl sits against the door with his legs extended on the floor.

"Daryl.." I whisper.

"Hmm?" He grunts.

"Why don't you sleep up here tonight. I'll sleep on the floor." I say sittin' up.

"Don't worry about me Greene, I'm fine." He says to me in a blank tone.

"Are ye sure.. it wouldn't be a pro-."

"G'night Greene." He cuts me off, and I just turn and face to seat of the car instead.

"Whatever." I mutter. Why does he always have to be such a jerk for no reason.

After about five minutes. I'm almost asleep.

I feel a hand move my hair out of the way of my ear.

"Sorry Beth...." He mutters and removes his hand sitting back down.

Okay maybe he isn't always a jerk.


So we've discovered that Daryl isn't always a jerk ;).

The next chapter should be up soon.

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