Chapter 5

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Chapter 5:

I hate it here. I'm abused by Dawn, practically sexually assaulted almost everyday by Gorman, and no one talks to anybody. It's too quiet.

Last night a woman tried to kill herself just like I did.. at my old house. Surrounded by those who loved me and the ones I loved.

Dawn refused to let her die, we had to saw her arm off and I was forced to hold her down. The only reason she wanted to go was because of that pig Gorman. He was raping her and no one stopped it.

This guy named Noah, said he'd help me escape. He's about my age and said that they'll never let you leave and he just wants to get back to his family.

We have a plan though. I'll go get the key to Dawn's office then get a gun to escape. We'll then climb down the open elevator shaft using old bed sheets.

I make my way into Dawn's office and start looking for the key to the guns. Then I see something I'd never expect.

That girl that wanted to kill herself is on the floor and her throat is slashed.
She must've done it. As I'm going through one of the filing cabinets, the door to Dawn's office opens and I snap my head up quickly.

"Well, well, well. Look who we have here." Gorman says stepping into the room further and closing and locking the door behind him.

I hear something moan and I look down at the woman on the floor her eyes have opened, but she isn't moving.

"Dawn.. she asked me to grab her something." I quickly lie.

"C'mon darling, you don't have to lie to me. As long as you keep my secret." He pins me against Dawn's desk and places his face centimeters away from mine.

"I'll keep yours." He breathes on me sliding his hand up my shirt slightly.

Before he can even make it past my hip, I grab the lollipop jar on the desk and smash it against his head.

He collapses to the ground next to that woman. She turns and bites him.

I grab the key to the guns and practically run out of the office.

I walk down the hallway wide eyed and look to find Noah.

"Beth? Are you okay?" Dawn stops me.

I nod. "Gorman was looking for you, he's in your office." I say and she nods.

I find Noah and we make our way to the elevator shaft. Not daring to look back.

It's been almost a month I think since I've been at the hospital.

I helped Noah escape, but I got caught and they took my back inside. I'm just glad that he's out even if I am still stuck here.

Plus, Dawn keeps slappin' me, she needs to control her anger better.

I've decided that in order to get out, I'm gonna have to kill someone. So I grab a pair of surgical scissors and slide them into the cast on my right wrist. I figure, if I kill Dawn or the doctor, they'll have nothing left.

I've already weakened them because of the whole Gorman thing. I'm just glad he's gone so he doesn't try to rape me again.

I walk out of my room and slide the scissors into my cast and walk up to the doctor.

Thats when I hear screaming for the doctor to come and help someone, and I see the last person I ever expected.

Carol on a stretcher.

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