Chapter 18

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Chapter 18:
Rick's POV

We ran out of gas about seven miles ago. We've been walkin' since. The heat is almost unbearable and we are runnin' low in food and water.

Everyone is havin' small conversations with one another to pass the time. Carl is playing a game with Michonne, Tyreese, Sasha, and Noah are all talking, and the Washington group are all laughin'.

Daryl and Carol are talkin' and Maggie and Beth.

But Glenn, Glenn's bein' quiet.

"You alright Glenn?" I side step towards him and he looks up at me sharply.

"Y..Yea... well no. There's something' I gotta tell you." He says nervously.

"What is it?"

"About twelve miles back, there was a car following us, but I think they ran out if gas because eventually they stopped. I didn't say anything because I didn't want to worry anyone."

I stop. Why were people followin' us?

"Somethin' wrong?" Michonne asks me.

"Listen up everybody. Glenn has just informed me that there were people following us. They must've ran outta gas at one point, 'cause they stopped. For now, I want everyone to stay at the edge of the woods so we can't be seen from the road, but we can still follow it." Everyone nods and walks into the woods and keeps up their conversations like nothing happened.

Beth's POV

We've been walkin' in the woods now for almost an hour. The sun is beginnin' to set and I think Rick is gonna have us stop for the night pretty soon.

I've taken the liberty of walkin' by myself a little bit behind everyone.

I keep thinkin' about that dream I had. It was beautiful and I wish it was true. Man do I wish it were.

I'm absentmindedly walkin', I take another step forward and I hear a metallic snap and I collapse to the ground due to the pain in my ankle.

Another bear trap! This is bullshit.

"Ugh!" I grunt, and just like last time Daryl comes slidin' over and unhooks it from my boot.

"Can ye move it?" He asks.

"Ye..yea I think so. It hurts a lot more than last time." I laugh a little bit and he smiles.

"It was a bigger trap, thats why." He says.

He helps me up and I take one step forward and collapse again.

"Dammit." I say frustratedly.

"C'mon Greene." Daryl says and helps me up again.

He stands in front of me with his back facin' me, adjusts his crossbow around the front of his body, and crouches.

"Another "serious" piggyback?" I ask with a laugh.

"Yea, hop on." He says and I use my good ankle to hop up onto his back.

I giggle a little as he adjusts me on his back.

"Yer a little lighter than last time. We need to get some food in you." He says steppin' forward.

"I'm fine." I say and I finally realize that everyone has stopped to look at us.

"Last time?" Carl asks.

"Yea. I gave her a piggyback ride LAST TIME she got her foot stuck in a bear trap while usin' my crossbow to kill a walker." Daryl says emphasizin' the words last time.

Everyone stops dead in their tracks.

"You let her use your crossbow?" Carol asks in amazement.

Why are they askin' so many questions.

"Yea, so what." Daryl says shruggin'.

"I went to hand it to you one time, and I thought you were gonna bite my hand off." Glenn says laughin'.

"Yea, thats when I didn't like ye." Daryl says with a smirk.

Glenn smiles and laughs.

Daryl re-adjusts me on his back because I started slippin'.

"Daryl, I can walk a little bit you know?" I tell him.

"No, you stay off that ankle for now, until we get it wrapped or at least 'till we stop." He tells me and I agree.

About twenty minutes later we have already set up camp and started a fire.

Daryl is wrappin' my ankle... like last time.

"That should be good." He mumbles and puts the wrap back in a bag. "Try to move it." He tells me.

"I can't, well not that much, but it doesn't hurt." I tell him.

"Good, that should do the trick then."

"Thank you." I say and he nods.

He sits down next to me and leans back on the log that I'm currently leaning on myself.


"Hmm?" He grunts starin' at the fire.

"Do you think that daddy would be upset with me because I got a man killed and basically killed him myself?" I mumble and Daryl whips his head around to look at me.

"Don't ever even think that again Greene. Your dad wouldn't be upset that you were protectin' yerself from a disgustin', horrible person who shouldn't have been alive to begin with." He says softly.

"I guess yer right." I mumble.

"Hell yea I'm right. If I knew anythin' about Hershel Greene, it'd be that he loved his daughters very much and would want them to be safe." He says half smiling at me. Then it fades.

"Daryl I know what yer thinkin', it wasn't yer fault. None of it was." I tell him sympathetically.

He nods, and continues lookin' into the fire.

I'm feelin' brave so I do somethin' that is probably the stupidest thing I've ever done.

I lean upwards and kiss Daryl lightly on the cheek. He tenses at my actions, but softens and relaxes.

I lean my head on his shoulder.

"G'night Mr. Dixon." I mumble.

The last thing I would have ever expected in my life happens next.

Daryl kisses the top of my head.

"G'Night Greene."

My stomach flutters and I definitely have the answer I need.

I'm falling for Daryl Dixon.


I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I enjoyed writing it.

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