Chapter 29

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Chapter 29

We've been ridin' aroun' for a while now an' its gettin' pretty dark. I can tell that the beautiful blonde girl behin' me has begun to get tired considerin' her grip, on my waist, has loosened.

I continue down the road a lil' more 'til I see a small house down the road. Holdin' my arm up to signal Aaron, I slow down to a stop just in front of tha house.

I turn off my bike an' carefully begin to stand up, careful not to knock Beth off. Aaron steps out of his car at the same time.

"Hmm? Where are we?" Beth sits up an' looks aroun' sleepily.

"We're 'bout fifty-three miles from Alexandria. We're stoppin' for the night." She nods an' steps off of the bike, adjustin' her bag on her shoulders.

She's the first one up to the house doors, followed by me, an' Aaron behin' the both of us.

Beth opens the door an' bangs on the doorframe then whistles. The trick I taught her to see if walkers are in the buildin'. We wait a secon' an' hear moanin' comin' from inside.

We wait a lil' more for the walkers to come towards us. The moanin' continues but the soun' isn't gettin' closer.

Beth takes out her knife an' steps into the house. I grab her arm lightly an' she pauses. "Let me go first." I tell her.

She sighs an' lets me step in front a her. I take a few steps forward an' make a left into a small kitchen. Keepin' my bow up, I stride into the room an' make sure the walker or possibly walkers isn't in there. Aaron turned right when we walked in, an' went into the livin' room where there was nothin'.

Beth had gone straight up the stairs, into the second floor of the house. I can hear her slow foot steps right by the steps still. I focus again on what I'm doin' an' walk outta the kitchen an' down the hallway to my left. I walk into a bathroom an' find a walker stuck under a sink reachin' at me. To save time, I just shoot it with one of my bolts to silence it. Once it stops movin' I retrieve my bolt an' place it back into my bow.

Thats the last of the moanin'. I start walkin' back to the kitchen to search for food. All of a sudden, I hear a loud noise come crashin' down the stairs.

I rush over an' find Beth underneath a walker. Its not movin' an' neither is she. I rip the walker off of her to reveal a smilin' face an' laughter.

"What the hell girl! Do you have to get hurt everywhere we go!?" I scream at her an' help her up.

"What? I opened a door an' it came out. I was gonna let it fall down the stairs, but I tripped while stabbin' it an' went down with it." She shrugs an' pats me on the shoulder. "An' no. I don't HAVE to get hurt." She smiles an' walks inta the kitchen. I shake my head an' follow her.

She starts openin' cabinets when Aaron walks in. I start to help her on the other side of the room.

She starts laughin'. "What's so funny, Greene?" I ask her turnin' aroun'.

"You'll never guess what they have in here." She says. "What?" I shrug.

She turns aroun' again an' tosses me a jar. I catch it carefully an' turn it over.

'Pigs Feet' "We can have another 'white trash' brunch." I say an' then smile. But it fades quickly.

"I'm gonna go look upstairs." Aaron says quietly an' walks over the walker an' up the stairs.

"Daryl... stop thinkin' about it." Beth walks over an' rests her han' on my face.

"I can't! It gets me so mad to think that I couldn' help you. Beth you almost died!" I raise my voice.

"But I didn', I'm still here." She grabs my arm with her other hand. "See, if I wasn't you wouldn' feel that." She leans in an' kisses me softly on the lips. "...or that." She whispers an' backs away.

Still lookin' into her eyes I mutter, "Yes I would've. I would've imagined you standin' next to me, holdin' my hand, huggin' me, an' hell even yellin' at me." Her eyes glimmer with a bit of tears, but she smiles. I slowly lean in an' hug her, restin' my head on her shoulder. "I wouldn' let you go Beth. I woulda kept you with me no matter where I went. I still won' you'll always be on my mind." I whisper quietly inta her ear. She squeezes me tightly an' slowly exhales as if relievin' a weight from her chest.

"I'm glad." She whispers back inta my ear. "Now, let us eat the brunch of champions." She giggles an' takes the jar outta my hands an' puts it down on the table. "Agreed." I say an' sit down, restin' my bow on the surface in front a me.

She grabs the jar an' tries to open it, but it won't budge. "Would ya like me to get it?" I smirk at her.

"No I can do it!" She protests an' continues to struggle with the jar. After about thirty secon's, I hear. "...Hey.. uhm.. Daryl. Could you maybe, open the jar?" She asks hesitantly. I smirk an' outstretch my hand an' she places the jar in my fingers.

With one quick twist the jar is open. "There ya go." I say an hand her the jar. She gets one smell an' throws her head back. "I remembered why I don' like pigs feet." She says an' smiles.

"Good, more for me then." I tell her takin' one out an' placin' it in my mouth. She cringes an' scrunches up her nose in the cutest way. I take another one outta the jar an' hold it in my fingers. I start walkin' towards her with it an' she backs ups.

"Daryl, stop it! That's disgustin'!" She says firmly but I chase her anyway. "Stopp!" She squeals an' giggles the cutest giggle. I stop an' put the pigs foot on the table, then continue chasin' her aroun' the table again.

I catch her from behin' an' wrap my arms aroun' her waist. She places her arms over mine, still laughin'.

I spin her aroun' an' look into her sparklin' eyes. She smiles at me an' I smirk at her. I slowly lean inta kiss her an' she leans back carefully meetin' my lips with hers. Softly. We pull away an' smile at each other.

A few moments later Aaron walks back in. "Guys, I found something weird upstairs." He says an' we tense up. I grab my crossbow an' follow him up the stairs with Beth not far behin'.

We walk into a young girls bedroom. An' he turns the corner into a closet.

He stops an' looks in, lookin' back at me. I walk up an' see somethin' that kinda makes me wanna leave the house an' not turn aroun'.

Theres a ladder goin' down inta a door in the back of the closet.

"What the hell is that?" I grunt.

"I think it goes down into some kind of shelter or something." Aaron says shocked.

"Should we go down there?" Beth asks a lil' hesitant.

"Not WE, Me." I say with a small huff. "Gimme a flashlight." I tell her, an' she goes in her bag an' grabs me one. I click the small flashlight onta the top a my crossbow an' sling it over my shoulder.

I take a step an' put one foot on the ladder when Beth stops me. "Be careful, please. I know you can handle yerself, but I kinda like you so don' die." She says smilin'. "I will, an' I won' die. I promise." I tell her kindly.

"When I get back, we can have that moonshine I foun'." I tell her, an' she nods, smilin'.

I begin to climb down the ladder, usin' only the small amoun' of light I have. I stop a good eight feet before the bottom an' hit my knife against the metal ladder. Just in case a walkers. i wait a bit, but nothin' comes. I climb the resta the way down an' slowly make my way inta the darkness.


Yay chapter 29 is done! I know it took my a lot longer than you probably wanted. I apologize, I was on vacation for a bit. But I hope to have the next chapter up soon.

I'm sorry to tell you this buuuuttt...... I will be ending the story soon. SORRY. I'm just running out of ideas after what I have planned.

Please continue to vote and comment. I love reading what you write.


Light at the End of the Tunnel {Bethyl Fanfic}Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora