Chapter 8

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Chapter 8:

The gun goes off, and she drops to the floor. For a few seconds I'm in shock, then I step up.

I see that bitch shaking her head and saying that she didn't mean to.

I don't even hesitate. I pull my gun out from my belt and pull the trigger, watching the bullet go strait through her head.

I start to cry. She's gone.. and she was right. I miss her so bad.

I walk over to her petite body and look at her. For being shot there is a small amount of blood.

Then I see it. She wasn't fully shot in the head, it's grazed like when Andrea shot me thinkin' I was a walker.

Still crying slightly, I lean over and I can hear her breathing.

"Rick!" I scream smiling as I look over at him wiping tears out of his eyes.

"What is it?" He asks flustered.

"The bullet.. it just grazed her. She's alive!" I shout and Ricks comes rushing over.

"Quick! Go grab some bandages from somewhere!" I shout at him.
He nods and the doctor gladly helps to get us what we need.

"I'm here Beth, you're gonna be okay." I say to her so only I can hear it.

Rick comes back with exactly what we need and we fix her up.

I pick her up bridal style and start to carry her outside.

At one point she stirs slightly.

"Daryl?" She mumbles quietly.

"Shh. Just rest, everything's okay, yer safe now." I say quietly to her and she becomes unconscious again.

We make it outside and we see Abraham, Rosita,Tara, Glenn, Michone, Carl with the lil' asskicker and Maggie.

Maggie gets one look at Beth, and immediately falls to the ground. Glenn goes to comfort her and I walk over to Maggie.

"Maggie.. its okay. She ain't dead, the bullet just grazed her and I killed the woman who shot her. She's safe now." I say to Maggie, trying to get her to stop crying.

She stands up and kisses Beth on the forehead and strokes her hair. I can see that she is automatically relieved. She then kisses me on the cheek.

"Thank you Daryl. For lookin' after her." I nod and carry her over to one of the empty cars.

I lay her in the back seat and sit on the floor next to her inside the car.

Everyone outside are talking to Abraham. Apparently Eugene lied about being a scientist, so they are deciding what to do.

Beth stirs again, but this time she wakes up fully and starts panicking.

She screams and starts breathing heavily.

"Beth! Beth! Relax it's okay, I'm right here!" I say grabbing her hand and her arm trying to calm her down.

She looks at me and almost tackles me with a hug.

"I'm so sorry Daryl! I didn't mean to leave you like that, they took me to this hell whole." She says. I can't believe after all this, she's worried about.. me?

"No Beth I'm sorry. I let this happen to you, this is all my fault." I say looking down.

"It is not your fault that I was taken to a hospital full of controlling psychopaths and rapists." I hear her gasp and I look up sharply.

"Who raped you?" I asked firmly.

She doesn't answer.

"Beth! Who touched you!" I scream at her.

"His name was Gorman." She says a little thrown off by my anger.

"I'll be right back." I say getting up.

"Where are you goin'?" She asks grabbing my arm.

"To kill that son a bitch that touched you!" I scream.

"You can't."

"And why's that!" I say getting closer in her face.

"He's already dead... I killed him. Plus he didn't even rape me, he tried, but I stopped him." She says looking down.

I put my hand on her arm and look at her.

"Beth. That's okay he deserved it, even if you don't think so. You are still a good person, so don't beat yourself up about it alright?" I ask softening my tone.

"I guess so." She shrugs a little bit.

"Okay good. Now lay back down please, don't forget that you were shot no less than a half an hour ago."
I laugh a little bit and so does she.

"Beth can I tell you somethin'?" I ask terrified to even move on from this statement.

"Sure, whats on yer mind?"

"Remember at that crap moonshine house.." I pause and she nods encouraging me to continue.

"Well remember when you said that I'd miss you when you were gone." She nods again, still a little confused.

"Well I just want to let you know you're right. When you got shot, I thought you were dead and as soon as you hit the floor the first thing I thought was: 'She was right, I do miss her so bad.' I just wanted to let you know that, and apologize for everythin' I've done to you. I didn't mean anything I said at that damn house. I was drunk I'm sorry." I mumble half of that whole statement.

She just lays there staring at me, and I can't help but look at my boots when she does.

"Daryl.. I forgive you. And I want to let you know, that I won't be goin' anywhere for a while. I mean, who else would be your drinking buddy?" She giggles and I smile slightly.

"You look tired, get some rest please. We will most likely have to leave in the morning anyway." She nods and grabs my hand as she closes her eyes.

She intertwines our fingers, just like she did at the cemetery.

Normally, I wouldn't let anyone do that, but since it's Beth. There is no way I would even think otherwise.

She eventually falls asleep, and so do I. Holding the hand of a little angel.


Okay so thats Chapter 8. I couldn't wait and I really wanted to post it.

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