Chapter 9

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Chapter 9:

I wake up and my hand is empty. My eyes dart open, and Beth isn't there. I start to panic. What if another person from the hospital took her while we were all sleeping.

I slam open the car door and grab my crossbow from the front seat. I go sprinting over to the others, they are all sitting in a group.

I stop as soon as I see bright blonde hair and I release a breath I didn't know I was holding.

Beth is sitting there holding baby Judith. Just like normal. Everything is fine. She is fine. We are all fine.

She looks up at me and smiles.

"Look who finally woke up." She says and laughs, so does everybody else.

"Yea yea.. whatever." I mumble and she laughs again. Its more of a giggle, but damn it's cute. Wait, did I just say Beth's giggle was cute? What is wrong with me. Well I'm glad I did sleep. Its probably the most I've slept in almost over a month now. I've been too worried about Beth, and blaming myself for all of this.

I walk over to Carol.

"How ya feelin'?" I ask and she is a little thrown off by the question.

"Better. That son of a bitch hit me good. Cracked a rib or two. But over all I'm good." She smiles lightly and I look over at Beth again, who was staring right at me with an upset look until I turned to face her. Then her head turned away. I wonder what that was all about?

Carl is sitting next to Beth, and Michone next to Carl. On the other side is Maggie and Glenn and across from her is Rick. He can't stop smiling.

I walk over to him and sit down next to him.

"What's with the huge grin?" I ask.

"I'm just glad that we are all together again, and Beth is okay. It sucks about Washington and all, but I'm glad we are together." He says looking at me.

"Yea." I say gazing over at Beth "I'm glad we are all okay too." I say with a small smile.

"What really happened between you two?" Rick asks with a huge grin.

"What do you mean? We got out together, we fought half the time, then we found this place. It was at a cemetery, it was loaded with food that was just placed there. I bet it was a trap from the people at the hospital, but that's over and done with. We got over run by walkers, and I told Beth to run and meet me at the road. Once I got out and made it there myself. I saw her bag in the road and then the car sped off and I chased it. Then I was found by those guys." I say plainly.

Rick nods.

"Yea, but what happened between you two. I saw the way you came running out of the car this morning and stopped when you saw her. That wasn't for fun." He says smiling again.

"Nothin' man. Nothin' happened. Just leave it at that, alright?" I ask.

"Okay brother, I won't say another word." He turns back to Beth holding Judith. Who is laughing away at the little baby in front of her.

I can't help but smile at the image. I had found the light at the end if the tunnel. This broken family right here, and the beautiful, blonde haired girl in front of me.


Next chapter should be up soon.

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