Chapter 14

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Chapter 14:
Rick's POV

As I sit here with Judith in my lap, I can't help but smile a little bit. My daughter is safe, my son is sitting safely next to me. Everyone is safe.

I look over at Daryl and Carol. I start laughing uncontrollably.

"Rick? Everythin' alright over there?" Glenn asks raising an eyebrow with a smirk.

"Yea, I just keep laughin' at Daryl. The way he fell was kinda funny." I say chuckling. And everyone either smiles or stifles a laugh.

"Yea, the big klutz probably tripped over his own feet." Carol says. "You should've seen this one time, when we were at the prison, he was walkin' down the steps into the cafeteria to get food. Be missed the last step, tripped over his own feet, an' smacked his knee of the table. Then fell to the ground. I was laughin' too hard to check if he was okay." She says smiling widely at the memory.

We all laugh. Then Maggie speaks up still smilin'.

"That reminds me of somethin' Beth did at the farm. Daddy had asked her to come downstairs for a surprise. She was so excited, she misses the last three steps, an' went flyin' onto the floor. Shawn and I sat there laughin' at her for a good five minutes." Maggie says and I go to look at Beth, but she's not there.

"Anyone seen Beth?" I ask.

"I saw her going over to the car she's been sleepin' in." Noah says and I nod.

"Be right back." I stand up and leave the group, makin' my way to the car.

"Beth?" I ask as I come up to the car. I look in the front. She's not there. Back seat, not there either.

"Beth?" I ask a little louder.

I hear rustling in the bushes.

I pull out my pistol, and rush over towards the noise.

As I make my way through, I see Beth back up and smack her head on a wall. There is just one walker there so I put my gun away and take out my knife.

Beth topples to the ground, with the walker on her. She mumbles somethin' but I can't make it out.

She grows unconscious and the walker is about to get her, when I stab it through the head.

"Beth! Beth?" I shake her.

"Mmm, my head hurts." She mumbles ad turns her head to the side.

"I know. Hold on, I gotchya." I pick her up bridal style and rush her back over towards the group.

"Dad! What happened?" Carl rushes over holding Judith.

"Walkers got her cornered and she tripped and hit her head on a wall." I say and Maggie grabs a cot and we set it up next to Daryl.

"These two are ridiculous." Abraham says and gets some water for Maggie to give to Beth.

"Yea you should've heard what she said when I found her."

"What?" Glenn asks me.

"My head hurts. I wanted to laugh, but I had to get her back first." I chuckle.

"These two are dangers to themselves." Rosita laughs.

"Alright, everybody. Why don't we get some rest and see how these two are doing tomorrow." I say. "I'll take first watch."

"How about, you get some rest with your son and daughter for once, and I'll take watch." Michonne says resting her hand on my shoulder smiling.

I smile back and nod walking off to Carl and Judy.

I take one last look at Daryl and Beth and I notice somethin'.

Daryl has turned so he's facin' her, and she has turned so she's facin' him. But they are both still knocked out.

I knew it.


Well that's chapter 14. It's a little late sorry. It's also a little short... sorry again.

Chapter 15 should be up soon-ish.

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