Chapter 13

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Chapter 13:

I'm falling back asleep, but my eyes aren't even closed yet. I'm just layin' on Daryl. I can't believe what is happenin' right now. I'm layin' in Daryl Dixon's arms, the man who shuts everyone out.

"I sound like an immature schoolgirl right now." I silently scold myself, whilst smiling a bit.

I get out of my own mind, and focus on him.

His breathing is even, but I can't tell if he's asleep. Everything is calm, everyone is together. We are all okay. I do wish daddy were here though, to see everyone again. To know that we are all okay.

My eyes begin to close... then I hear a blood curdling scream followed by a gunshot.

Daryl shoots up and grabs his crossbow pushing me lightly to the side.

"What was that!?" I frantically ask.

"I dunno, but I'm gonna find out. Stay 'ere." He says opening the car door.

"I'm comin' with you!" I scream and he turns quickly.

"No ye ain't, stay here its safer." He demands.

"Remember what happened last time we split up!" I say screaming in his face and automatically regretting it because of the look on his face.

His face falls, and he looks down.

"Daryl... I'm sorry I didn't mean it." I say in a small voice.

He doesn't look at me, but goes sprinting out of the car and I follow with my pistol and my knife out.

I see Daryl runnin' towards Rick who has Carl and everyone else behind him.

"What was that?" Daryl asks Rick.

"It came from inside the hospital." He says and Maggie comes to stand next to me.

"We have to see what it was." Sasha speaks up and everyone looks at her as if she is crazy.

"Sasha, we don't know whats in there. We could be walkin' into a hoard. " Tyreese says.

"Thats true, but we can't just leave those people in there." I protest.

"Bethy, those people almost killed you." Maggie says and Glenn nods as well.

"Yea but they didn't. There were really only two terrible people in that hospital and they're both dead. We can't just let those people die." I almost scream at everyone.

"Beth, who is more important? We have Judith to think of." Carol says.

"I never said that she would be going in there." I say rudely.

"Beth we can't..." Daryl says softly.

"What would Dale think? or Daddy..." I say looking down.

"Beth!" Maggie screams and I start to walk away.

"Beth.. Daryl, Maggie, Glenn, Michonne and I will go inside. Everyone else stay out here." Rick says looking at me and I nod.

We grab our things and go into the hospital.

Once we reach the second floor, I hear running and a scream upstairs.

We make it to the sixth floor and I see the doctor fighting off a walker.

Daryl shoots it with his crossbow and it drops to the floor. The doctor turns and sees us and I pull him into a room.

"What happened?" I ask in a panic.

"Someone must've gotten bitten and never told anyone. They came up here and turned. Then bit three others." He says. Then there is silence.

I go rushing through the hallway and I see Daryl's crossbow lying on the ground.

He would never leave it like that. I see blood and go sprinting into the room next door. Daryl is on the ground and Rick is kneeling next to him.

"What happened!" I scream. Rick turns to me.

"A walker was coming and Daryl was looking for you in a panic. He didn't see it so I pushed him out of the way and he slipped and hit his head." I try not to laugh at the story, its not what you would usually hear.

"Alright, can you get him outside. The fresh air would help." I say and Rick nods.

"Okay on three.. one.. two.. three!" We say and lift. Daryl is a lot damn heavier than he looks.

We get him through the doorway and Glenn, Maggie and Michonne come running down the hallway.

"What happened!" Michonne asks.

"Rick accidentally knocked him out." I say and Rick smiles a little bit.

They laugh and Glenn takes Daryl's arms for me.

"I'm gonna go see if the doctor has anything for him." I say and Maggie volunteers to go with me.

Once we get the medicine, we go outside. They've made a fire, and Carol is sitting next to Daryl with a wet cloth on his head. I walk over to them.

"Here's some medicine for when he wakes up." I quietly say and hesitantly hand Carol the meds.

"Thank ya Beth." She smiles and I do as well slightly.

I walk away and sit on the roof of the car that I had been sleeping in.

I see everyone gathered together around the fire. They are all quiet looking at Daryl or having small conversations with one another.

I don't know why I ever thought that Daryl was ever going to like me. He likes Carol, and she likes him. Thats, that.

"Oh daddy, how could I have been so stupid?" I say putting my head in my hands.

I hear rustling in the bushes. I take out my knife and get off of the car hood. I make my way towards the small amount of bushes on the side of a building.

I walk up closer, and I pull my knife up further to be ready.

I pull back the bushes and a walker pops out. I stab it in the skull and back up.

I back into another walker. It grabs my arm and I can't get it loose.

"Ugh!" I struggle to get my arm free and another walker is coming up on the side of me.

I swing my arm around and hit one walker with the other. I back up and I trip over a curb.

I smack my head on the side of a building and crash to the ground bleeding. My eyes start to close and I hear the walker coming closer.

My eyes close and I walker falls on me.

"I'm sorry daddy.. I love you all." Is the last thing I'm able to mutter before.....


CLIFFHANGER! I'm terrible.

Next chapter should be up soon, it's going to be in Rick's POV, just saying so no one is confused.

I would also like to know, if I should start writing it in 'Daryl's' and 'Beth's' POV or should I keep it in 'His' and 'Hers'?

Anyway please vote and comment.


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