Chapter 11

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Chapter 11:

Every time she moves, I move. I'm too afraid I'm gonna let my guard down and lose her again.

We've been riding in this car for about 12 blocks and we have finally found a damn store.

We are in a big ass city and it took so damn long. I'm sure the store is cleaned out, but you never know. Even the smallest object could be the slight difference between life and death.

"Alright, Glenn and I, will take that store. Beth and Tyreese, go take that one and Daryl you can take that supply store over there." Rick says and everyone nods.. but me.

"I'll go with Beth, Tyreese can take the supply store." I mumble.

Tyreese looks at Beth silently asking her if she is okay with that. She nods and pulls out the pistol Rick gave her to make sure its loaded properly.

"Please be careful." She puts a hand on Tyreese's arm. He laughs.

"I'm more worried about you. You just got shot in the head." He smiles at her.

"Grazed actually." She smiles back laughing. Leave it to Beth to make sure everyone else is okay first.

I grin slightly at the thought, but look down so no one sees.

"Alright everyone ready?" Rick asks and we all say yea.

"Everyone be careful, find what ya think we could use and we will meet back here when we're done." Rick says and we disperse.

Beth walks a little behind me and I have my crossbow up as we walk into the store.

"Wait! What are you doin'?" Beth shouts at me in a whisper.

"What do ya mean?" I ask her confused.

She sighs and rolls her eyes. Beth then walks over and finds two empty tin cans and starts rattling them together.

"You taught me never to go in, unless you know that most of them are out." She says smiling a bit.

"I'm surprised ye actually listened to me." I grumble.

"Of course I did." She says a little offended.

Once we hear that its empty, we walk into the store.

Beth goes to the side and finds a thing of baby formula and small jars of baby food right away under one of the shelves.

I find it a little strange that it was in a supply store, but what part of the world isn't strange anymore.

I say as I go the the back behind the counter.

I hop the counter and find a small box of pistol ammo, an couple MRE's, and a few bottles of soda. There was also a sleeping bag back here and on top a dead man. I kick the man in the boot to make sure and he doesn't move.

Next to him on the ground is a big bottle of some type of liquor.

I grab it and read the label, I can't help but smile.

I put the bottle in my bag and hop back over the counter to find Beth.

"Beth!" I have shout half whisper. No answer.

"Beth!" I say again, and this time I hear something move in the back room.

I open the door slightly and quietly. I see a walker hunched over eating a woman.

A woman with blonde hair.. and a gray sweater.

I start to panic and I bust open the door and tackle the walker. I stab it in the head twice and slowly turn around to the woman on the floor.

I look at her face and fall back laying on the ground not wanting to move.

"Daryl? Daryl are you okay?" I hear Beth from the other side of the door.

"I'm in ere." I tell her and she walks in with her knife pulled out.

"Are ye okay?" She asks and helps me up. I say nothing, all I do is hug her. She is thrown off by my show of emotions, since it don't happen too often.

I pull back and she looks at me with a small smile, and a hint of red in her cheeks.

"Are ye okay?" She asks again a little more worried this time.

"Yea.. I thought that woman." I point to the ground at the lady and pause.
"I thought she was you. I couldn't tell from outside the door so I tackled to walker and killed it." I say shaking a little at the thought of the walker again.

"I'm right here." She says as she puts her hands on both my shoulders looking in my eyes and smiling that smile again.

I take a deep breath and nod.

"I also have a surprise for you." She says and her smile grows.

"Close yer eyes fer a second." She says and I hesitate but obey her orders.

I hear her walk away and return no less than three seconds later.

"Okay open!" She says excited, and when I open my eyes I see a quiver of at least fifty arrows held out in front of me.

"I found them wedged behind a filing cabinet." She says and shrugs.

"Thank ye Greene." I say with a small grin.

"No problem Mr. Dixon." She says smiling and her calling me that reminded me.

"Oh that reminds me, I have something for you too." I say pulling out the big glass bottle from my bag as she gives me a confused look.

I hand her the bottle and she laughs.

"Thanks, what could a girl want more than a half bottle of moonshine." She says and I laugh a small laugh with her.

"C'mon, lets get back to the car." I say and put my hand on the back of her shoulder and guide her out of the store.

As we make it back we see Glenn and Rick waiting talking against the car.

Rick smiles when he sees us and I can practically see him going through a mental checklist to see if Beth's okay. So is Glenn.

"I found baby formula, and jars of baby food for when Judith is ready." Beth says and Rick smiles and nods.

"Yea, and Greene over here found me some arrows, while I found ammo, a couple MRE's and some soda." I say and Glenn's mouth drops.

"Thats a lot of arrows." He says and we all laugh.

We don't tell them about the moonshine, thats our little secret fer now.

After about ten minutes I ask the question everyones thinkin'.

"Where's Tyreese?"


Chapter 11

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