Chapter 17

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Chapter 17:

The sun shines through the window, and on to my face. It's brighter out than normal, and that just means that it is going to be hotter out.

It's still early and I know Rick would want to leave as soon as possible. I quietly climb out of the car, tryin' not to wake Beth, and grab my crossbow. I sling it over my back and close the car door behind me.

I walk over to where the fire pit was. Noah, Tyreese, and Rick are the only ones here.

"So you think we should go to Richmond?" I hear Rick ask Noah.

"Yea. There was a settlement there, that's where my family was. It might still be there." He responds.

"Daryl? What do you think." Tyreese looks at me.

"I think that at the moment a sanctuary is a sanctuary. Also, that could mean another Terminus, or Woodberry." I shrug a little.

"That's what I thought." Rick answers.

Michonne walks over and joins the conversation.

"I say we should go. It could be like Terminus, or it could be like Woodberry. Or it could be safe. A safe place for Carl and Judith and the rest of us to live." She says and Rick nods as well as Tyreese and myself.

Noah's face brightens and Rick speaks up.

"Then it's settled fer now. We'll go to Virginia. If there isn't anythin' there. We'll find somethin' else."

"Sounds good for now." Tyreese says.

"Alright, lets get everyone up." Rick says and they walk away to wake everyone.

I walk back over to the car to wake Beth. I open the door and just wait a few seconds to stare at her.

She is at peace when she sleeps, and beautiful.

I know I shouldn't be havin' these thoughts, but I can't help myself. They're just thoughts right? It don't matter.

"Beth.." I slightly shake her arm. She doesn't budge. "Beth. You gotta get up come on." I say and she still doesn't budge.

I take a step closer to shake her better, but I trip over the edge if the car and fall on top of her.

"Ahh!" She gasps for air instead of screamin'.

"Sorry! I tripped, I was tryin' to wake you up." I say frantically.

"Well you did an amazing job at that." She says holding her chest and breathing heavily.

"Uhh sorry." I say again.

"Uhm Daryl?" She asks nervously.


"You're kinda squishin' me." She says blushin' and I hadn't even realized I was still on top of her.

"Oh!" I quickly get off of her. "We're leavin' soon." I say and rush off.

"What's wrong with me." I mentally scold myself.

I walk back over to the group tryin' not to looks so startled.

"Daryl?" Carol asks.

"Hmm." I grunt.

"Are you alright?" She asks worried. I guess I did a bullshit job at hiding my embarrassin' moment.

"Yea." I grunt again.

"Are you sure." She takes a step and places her hand on my shoulder.

"I said yea woman." I say rudely.

"Alright." She sighs, then she talks again... but not to me.

"Mornin' Beth, how ya feelin'?" She asks and Beth smiles widely at her.

"Better. A lot better. I got a good rest." She says trying to avoid lookin' at me.

"Good." Carol smiles at her, and Beth smiles back. Not likely she usually does, it was more of a rude kinda smile.

She walks over to Maggie completely ignorin' me.

"Alright everyone get yer stuff and lets go! There are three cars for us at the moment, so pick one and try to even 'em out." Rick says.

Rick gets in a car with Carl, Judith, Noah, Michonne, and Carol.

In the second car is Abraham, Rosita, Eugene, Tara, Tyreese, and Sasha.

Then in the smaller car: Myself, Maggie, Glenn, Father Gabriel and Beth as well as a bunch of supplies.

Rick , Abraham, and Glenn are all drivin'.

Maggie is in the passenger seat, then father Gabriel in the middle with supplies, and once again Beth and I in the back seat.

I keep lookin' over at Beth and all she is doin' is starin' out the window. Like she's lookin' for somethin'.

A half an hour passes by and a sign comes up.

"Leaving Georgia"

Beth turns to me with a huge smile.

"Now you've been out if Georgia." She says and I remember our "game" at that shack.

"Yea, I guess so." I mumble starin' at her.

She turns back to starin' out the window.

I can't help but smile a little bit at the fact that she remembered.

Another thirty minutes passes and Beth is fast asleep. She is sitting straight up in the middle of the seat with her head tilted back.

Glenn makes a slight left turn and she comes slidin' over to me.

Her head lands on my shoulder and she is still asleep.

Eventually, I start to dose off as well. I hadn't gotten much sleep, bein' at the hospital. I didn't trust leavin' Beth unwatched.

Eventually I fall asleep as well, thinkin' of everythin' thats happened.

Glenn's POV

Maggie and I have kept up small conversation during the ride. We always like to play small car games, like "Would You Rather?" or talking about the things we miss or just funny things that have happened in our lives.

She always likes hearing the funny things that happened to me when I used to deliver pizza.

We've been on the road for nearly two hours and we are running a little low on gas.

I don't worry and keep driving on.
Maggie dosed off and so has Father Gabriel.

I look in the rear view mirror and see something strange.

Beth leaning on Daryl's shoulder and Daryl resting his head on hers.

But that's not the weird part.

I'm not exactly sure if it's the smile on Daryl's face... or the car that's coming up behind us.


So Daryl is unbelievably and adorably clumsy.

Next chapter should be up soon.

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