Chapter 12

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Chapter 12:

As we walk out of the supply store in silence, I can't help but replay what just happened inside.

Daryl just hugged me, that never happens. I mean we've held hands before, but that was because of daddy and the fact that I had almost died.

As we get closer to the car, I can see Rick and Glenn both looking at me so intently to make sure I'm okay. I know that Daryl sees this too because I see him smiling slightly at the sight of it.

After I tell Rick about what we found, I hear Daryl speak up.

"Where's Tyreese." Everyone's smiling stops once we realize that he hasn't returned yet.

We grab more weapons and Daryl slings his quiver over his back as we make our way to the store Tyreese was supposed to be in.

Daryl walks up first followed by Rick, Glenn behind him, and me behind Glenn.

Daryl bangs on the doorway twice and whistles and we wait to hear anything.

No noise comes out, neither does Tyreese. We all slowly make our way into the store and we split up into two different directions. Daryl and I to the left. Rick and Glenn to the right.

We walk past what used to be the baby section and I quickly skim through anything we could use.

I find a twelve pack of diapers and a little stuffed squirrel.

I put them both in my bag and keep walking with my knife out and ready.

"Greene." Daryl whispers from other side of the shelf.

I walk around and see him staring in a room.

When I get next to him I see Tyreese.

He is kneeling over a hole in the ground with Rick and Glenn next to him doing the exact same thing.

Daryl points his head in their direction, indicating for me to walk first.

When I look in the hole, I see a box full of canned food.

Then I look next to that box and I see another box. It is filled with boxes of ammo for at least three different guns.

"How did you find all this?" Glenn asks Tyreese without removing his eyes from the food.

"I was walking through the store and I heard that the floor board was loose. I figured that someone might have hidden something underneath it. I'm glad I checked." He says stifling a laugh.

"I'm glad you did." I say and he looks at me.

"You wanna see something else?" He asks and I look at him confused.

"C'mon." he says and gets up leaving the room while we all follow.

He walks through another doorway that leads to a cabinet.

He opens the cabinet and it is filled with big soda bottles, cases of water, candy bars, a big thing of jelly, and more cans of food. In the back there is also a case of beer. Half if them are probably empty though.

"This makes what we found look like table scraps, huh Greene?" I hear Daryl mutter and we all smile slightly.

"Yea I guess it does." I see never taking my eyes of the food.

"Alright, I'll go get the car and back it up the the front door so its easier for us all." I say and Rick hands me the keys.

Daryl looks at me like he is about to say something, but I don't stop to find out I walk to the car and sit in the front seat. I start it and begin to back the car up.

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