Chapter 20

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Chapter 20:

He makes absolutely no damn sense. One minute he is yellin' at me like a maniac, then five minutes later, he's pickin' me up and bein' cute. Ugh! I don't get men.

We've been sittin' in these cars for an hour now and Daryl, Maggie, Carl, and I are all tryin' to play a game. Carl is holdin' Judy as we play.

We are all tryin' to guess everyone else's favorite things.

"Favorite book?" Carl asks.

Daryl suggests some random comic book, Maggie says 'The Cat in the Hat' and I can't think of one.

"Ringer." He says and no one knows what he is talkin' about.

"It was about this boy who lived in a town where in order to fit in he had to ring birds necks. It sounds terrible, but it was actually really good." He chuckles. "I don't know how it ended, we were reading it in class when shit hit the fan." He says lookin' down at little Judy.

Everyone gets quiet, thinkin' back to life before all of this, and the people before all of this.

"Ye hear that?" Daryl says lookin' out the window.

I look out and see a car pullin' up with Rick in the drivers seat.

He looks upset, this can't be good.

We step out of the car, and everyone else does the same.

"Glenn walks over to Maggie who is lookin' down the whole time. Rick and Michonne  over to Carl, and Noah walks over to stand with everyone else.

Sasha is lookin' around in a panic. She looks in the car and drops to her knees.

No cryin', no screamin'. Nothin'.

Glenn, Rick, and Abraham carry Tyreese out of the truck.

He is pale, and part of his arm is cut off.

He's gone.

I can't take my eyes off the scene, but I want to look away.

Daryl finishes diggin' a hole along with Noah and they carefully lay Tyreese inside.

Father Gabriel says a few words and prayers and we fill in the hole. I say my own silent prayer for Tyreese, and ask him to tell everyone else that I miss them and that I love them.

"Everybody listen up, we have lost Tyreese today. I am truly sorry I know that he will be missed dearly. He was a great man. Sadly we lost him lookin' for a home. A home that was no longer there. We will keep searchin' until we can find a place that we can try and call home. For Tyreese, and everyone else we've lost." Rick says hangin' his head low. "Michonne had suggested that we still head to Washington, that maybe there it could be safe."

No one says a word,  no one wants to.

Rick tells everybody to get some rest, and I amble off limpin' to a car.

I make my way over to the one I was in earlier and open the door.

I lay down on the back seat as the door shuts behind me.

I can't stop myself, I cry. I continue to cry and cry until I hear the car door open.

I pretend to be asleep as Daryl sits down against the opposite door and extends his legs.

I slightly open one of my eyes and I see Daryl turn and look at me. He lifts his hand up and lightly wipes away my tears.

I open my eyes to look at him.

Light at the End of the Tunnel {Bethyl Fanfic}Where stories live. Discover now