Chapter 27

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*The POV is going to change in this chapter*

Chapter 27

We walk down the road towards Deanna's house. It still is really strange walkin' through a town like this, an' all the lights are on still.

We reach her house and walk up the stairs. Rick knocks on the door, holdin' Judy in his other hand.

Deanna opens the door with a bright smile. "Come in, don't be afraid. We aren't the ones that bite." She smiles and laughs. I get uneasy just thinkin' about bein' outside the fences again.

We slowly walk in, Rick still smilin' at Deanna, jus' tryin' to be friendly.

About twenty minutes in, we've all migrated to one corner of the house. Well except Carol, Rick and Carl. They are bein' sociable. Rick can' stop lookin' at a woman named Jessie. She's married! I even saw him kiss her on the cheek. What the hell! Its like him Shane an' Lori all over again.

I try to focus myself on other things, more of my business. I jus' keep lookin' at my shoes. I feel so weird bein' dressed like this again. The last time a wore a dress was the last sunday before all this happened. We had gon' to church like always. Daddy would drive an' tell us all how things used to be when he was younger, an' he'd complain about the younger people of today.

I smile at the thought of daddy. I look over at Maggie, who is holdin' hands with Glenn, an' awkwardly standin' in the corner of the room.

I walk towards them. "How long so we have to stay?" I almost whine like a little girl. "Not much longer I don' think." Maggie says fixin' my hair. "Besides, its not so bad." She tells me smilin' a bit.

"Are ye blind?, I laugh, " Half of our people are outside, Carl is no where to be foun', Carol is actin' like a social butterfly, an' Rick is actin' like Shane tryin' to get with a married woman." I point towards the kind man holdin' his baby.

"Bethy! He is not" She looks at me sternly. "Maggs, did you not see him kiss her on tha cheek before?" I protest.

"It is none of your business what happens with Rick." She quietly says. I don' wanna argue, so I nod an' drop the subject. Maggie and Glenn get up not too short after to go get somethin' to drink. When they make there way to the drinks, a boy comes over. He has to be a fee years older than me, who even knows anymore.

"Hi, my name's Aidan." He says with an outstretched hand. I hesitate, then shake it.

"Beth." I respond with a smile. "You're part of the new group, right?" He questions. "Uh- yes, got here yesterday." I nod.

"Well I hope that we can get to know each other better. You'll be around won't you?"

"Actually, no I don' think so. I'm gonna be goin' out with Aaron, an' another man from my group. We're the mew recruiters." I say softly.

"Too bad, I'll miss seeing your pretty face everyday." He winks an' walks away.

"Ew!" I mutter when he is far enough away. "What's wrong?" Rick comes over an' asks me. "That boy, he was hittin' on me. He sounded like Zach, when we first met." I shudder at the thought of the boy I used to know.

"What was he sayin'." He asks. I really don' wanna talk to Rick right now. Especially not after I saw him kiss that married woman Jessie. "Don' worry about it. I just need some air." I storm off. I fumble my way through the crowded kitchen an' out the back door.

The back yard is full of little kids playin' with plastic weapons. I see Michonne standin' by a post watchin' the kids play. She looks beyond annoyed.

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