Clintasha 22

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Warning (references to self endangerment- nothing graphic I promise)
More protective Clint ahead!

Since joining the Avengers, Natasha and Clint still tended to isolate themselves and keep to each other's company more so than anything. So, when Clint goes away on solo missions, he leaves a note posted on the fridge. Natasha had taken to doing the same. However, the first time it happened the team thought it was a joke.

Tony was the one to find it under a purple magnet on the fridge.
"Hey you guys see this?" He asked the rest of the team, minus Nat. They shook their heads. Tony passed the note to Bruce who read it over before passing it on.
Please do the following while I'm gone . Natasha needs you guys:
1. Take her to get a refill of her meds
2. Make sure she doesn't spend more than 2 hours in the gym
3. Stock up on peanut butter
4. Please talk to her, even if she ignores you

- Clint

The men didn't know what to make of the note. It had to be a prank right? So, none of the Avengers thought anything of the note as it lay untouched on the counter for the next several days, an through those days, seeing Natasha was rare. However, they interpreted her behaviour as normal. It's not like they saw her any more than when Clint was here anyway.

When Clint returned he immediately went to check the list. The boxes he proudly drew beside each task were left blank- no check marks. His heart clenched. Maybe they'd forgotten to check them off?
"Did you guys follow the list?" He asked loudly from the kitchen to the other guys watching tv. Silence. They looked between each other, guilt was beginning to build.

"That was serious?" Tony asked timidly. Immediately Clint dropped everything. He sprinted to the staircase, not even bothering to wait for the elevator. The team had shocked faces. Soon after, they followed their teammate to Natasha's room.

Clint didn't waste time knocking and let himself into her room. It was a mess and she wasn't in his sights.
"Natasha?" He called. She didn't answer. Clint  made his way to the bathroom and tried to turn the handle. It was locked.
"Natasha? I need you to let me in" He heard the flap of water. Clint waited for her to let him in but no such thing occurred. His worry was skyrocketing. With a swift kick, the door swung open.

There she was.
Natasha sat in the tub, eyes closed and still. She was cold to the touch. On his knees now, he pulled the plug out and let the cold water drain.
"I'm here, I'm here" Clint whispered quietly. With shaky hands he lay a towel over her. Gently he managed to help her to sit on the edge of the tub. She had a glassy look in her eyes. Clint's warm hands were on either cheek, gently drawing circles in hopes of bringing her back to him. Slowly but surely Natasha began to acknowledge his presence. She blinked rapidly before finding his eyes.
"Clint" she said. Clint let out a breath he didn't even realize he held. His hand spread warmth behind her neck and he pressed their foreheads together.

"We need to get you warmed up". She nodded and hugged the towel around herself. The two made it to her bed where Clint helped her into warm clothes.
"I'm sorry I left you" Clint said softly. Natasha brushed his cheek "It's okay". Anger began to grow in the pit of his stomach. How could his teammates let it come to this? He'd left them a god damn note.
"How about I go make you some coffee?" He didn't want to leave her but she needed to get warm.
"Sound good" she said, snuggling up tighter under the covers. Clint squeezed her ice cold hand and got up to go make the drink. As soon as he let the door close, the rest of the Avengers bombarded him with questions.
"Shut up!" He yelled, beyond frustrated.
"Look. Natasha is more fragile than she cares to admit. Everything she's done stays with her. Sometimes, she has bad days when she just can't get out of her own head. It's...bad. The note I was to make sure nothing like that happened while I was gone. She's not the most sociable person, you'd never know something was wrong with her. I just wanted you guys to keep an eye on her, for her sake."
They apologized immediately after he'd finished talking.
"She's not in a good place and I'm the only one who can help her. Stay out of our way for now okay?" It sounded harsher than it should have. He left before they could respond.

The coffee was made quickly and Natasha sipped on it sparingly. She was beginning to warm up now, and Natasha began to sense Clint's guilt as he sat next to her.
"I'm sorry" Natasha whispered. She tilted her head to look at her partner.
"You have nothing to apologize for Tasha. Everyone has bad days. This is yours" Natasha offered a smile and set the cup down so she could lay down.
"They understand now" Clint suddenly said. Natasha froze.
"They want to help you...let them"
She put a hand on his leg, it was the closest thing to an 'I'll try' as he was going to get. For now he wouldn't push her.

Clint then asked the question that he dreaded.
"Natasha, did you do anything else I need to know about?"
She begrudgingly put a hand on her stomach. Shit, she hadn't eaten.
"Is that it?" She nodded but avoided his gaze. Clint sighed knowing she was lying, he could tell she hadn't been sleeping- or at least not well. Okay. Okay. It could have been worse. Before he could get up to get a snack for her, she grabbed his wrist. Her eyes pierced his. They were wide and bold. Clint had rarely seen this look before. Everything about it meant the same thing. Stay.
"You know that no one blames you for anything" he told her while he ran his fingers through her hair. She nodded.
"I know. I just can't stop thinking about them...All those people-"
Natasha held his gaze.
"You are a hero Natasha. Those people who stain your past can't control your whole life. Please Tash." Clint cuddled her so she nestled into his shoulder as he spoke. It hurt him so much to see her like this. He wished he could make all those thoughts disappear, but it was Natasha who had to do that.
"Don't cry Clint. I'm okay" he heard her say. Clint chuckled softly- he didn't even notice that tears trailed down his cheeks.

A knock at the door startled the pair. Clint forced himself up to answer it. It was Bruce. He held a bowl of soup and a cup of tea. Reluctantly he let him in- Clint knew Bruce was her favourite.
"Hey Natasha" he said
"I brought you some food"
Natasha didn't speak. She simply gestured for him to leave it on the bedside table. Bruce turned to look over his shoulder just before leaving.
"For what it's worth, the team really likes you. I'm sorry we didn't do more for you"
Clint followed him out
"Thanks for that" he told him. Bruce pushed up his glasses nervously
"We all feel like shit about ignoring the note. I guess we just thought she seemed so calm and collected all the time" Clint smirked
"She does a good job of looking that way doesn't she?"

Back inside now, Clint let Natasha finish her food before letting her finally drift off into a hopefully long sleep. He kissed her head lightly and threw an arm around her waist and drew her close to him. In his sleep he put his face against her neck and made sure his hand was flat against her stomach.
He always made sure he could feel her breathing.

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