Romanogers 16

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Steve's pov

I couldn't be happier. Summer had just begun and I was swept away to Camp Shield. It was a small camp, only 10 cabins plus the two counselor cabins. I've been a cabin head in the Blue Jay cabin for 3 summers now. When I arrived, it was like it hadn't been a whole year since I saw my friends Tony, Bruce, Thor, Pepper, Wanda, Clint, Scott, Janet, Sharon and Sam. We all run a Cabin. We laughed and talked about what has been going on like old times.

Currently, it was camp introduction. All the campers sat on the big field and camp director Nick and his partner Phil talked about rules, how the day worked and finally introduced us. The day is always laid out as the following: breakfast, first period, snack, second period, lunch, third period, snack, fourth period, dinner and then either a camp wide game or just chilling out around camp.

"Alright campers these are your Counselors, they will be with you all summer and run your activities."
He introduced us all
I ran the Blue Jay cabin
Tony- Cardinal cabin
Bruce- Robin cabin
Wanda- Canary cabin
Sharon- Raven cabin
Clint- Hawk cabin
Janet- Hummingbird cabin
Scott- Sparrow cabin
Sam- Falcon cabin
Thor- Skylark cabin
Pepper- Heron cabin
I found myself looking around for the familiar face of Maria. She was the camp lifeguard.

"Hey Tony where's Maria?"
I asked quietly not wanting to interrupt Nick

"I heard Nick talking about it. Something came up with her family."
I nodded

"Are you talking about Maria?"
Pepper jumped in from the other side of me


"Heard she's been replaced"
It put a damper on my mood to hear Maria left, she's been kind of a big sister to all of us.

Nick said into the megaphone
"I'd like to introduce our new camp lifeguard. Natasha"
A small red head waved shyly next to Phil.
Her green eyes shone in the sunlight I noticed. The red staff shirt she'd been given looked two sizes to big on her, but it was kind of cute. I raised an eyebrow when he wrapped an arm around her.

"Alright campers you know your cabins, head to your counselor and they'll take you to your cabins"
The once quiet space erupted with noise as the kids mingled and found their way through the crowd to one of us. I caught the sight of Natasha walking away with Phil out of the corner of my eye.

"Follow me everyone!"


The campers settled in fairly quickly. They entertained themselves until it was time for dinner. I joined my friends at the counselor table.

"-kind of hot"
I heard the end of Sam's conversation

"What is he going on about?"
I asked Sharon (from my seat across the table) who was sitting next to him.

"He thinks the new lifeguard is hot"
I rolled my eyes

"Steve come on! Have you seen the girl!"
I felt my cheeks heating up

"See even Steve thinks she's hot. I mean did you get a look at her ass?"
I suddenly paled much like everyone on my side of the table. Natasha stood silently behind Sam as he continued to talk about her.

"Steve you okay you look like you've seen a ghost?"
Sam said stopping his conversation with Clint about Natasha's ass

I pointed behind him. He slowly turned around to see Natasha. She gave him a sad stare and walked away.

"Now you've done it Sam. If you drown she'll let you"
Pepper joked. He threw a fry at her. When I went up for seconds I scanned the room but had no luck finding where she had gone. It was only when I turned to the window which overlooked the lake that I saw her. I sighed and instead of going back to sit, I made my way down the path to the lake.

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