Romanogers 17

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Warning- anxiety

Natasha's POV

I collapsed onto my bed, my duffle bag forgotten on the floor. Sighing I closed my eyes exhausted from my latest mission. I was becoming more relaxed but an annoying light made my eyes shut tighter. I put a pillow over my face. Then the ringing came. I tossed the pillow away and cracked an eye open groaning in annoyance.

"Natasha Romanoff"
I mumbled into my phone rubbing my tired eyes

"Meet Rogers in jet 45. He has the mission file"

"Yes sir"
I hung up and didn't bother to do anything besides grab my already packed duffle and head out the door. The loud noises in the hangar annoyed my tired mind but I ignored it and boarded the jet. Steve sat quietly in the co-pilot seat reading our mission file.

"Hey Nat"
I nodded hello

"You okay?"
He closed the file

"Yeah just tired. I just got back from Poland a half hour ago"
I sat down next to him and gently took the file from him. It was straight forward. SHIELD monitors online communication for any suspicious activity and they flagged something. Someone by the name lion_01 was selling chitauri weapons to the highest bidder from an apartment in Detroit. The bid is confirmed to happen tomorrow at 1:15pm.

"He's probably an amateur."
Steve scoffed
"Why does SHIELD need to send two of their best agents?"
I shrugged. I froze suddenly when the all too familiar feeling started.

"Take control"
I said quickly leaving the piloting to Steve and left my seat. My heart started to pump faster as I dug through my duffle bag. I felt the familiar shape of a pill bottle and pulled it out. Uncapping it I quickly turned it over with shaky hands. Nothing came out. Crap. With all my missions I didn't have time to get a refill. I haven't gone a day without these pills in years. Trying not to think about the anxiety I knew would creep up on me, I returned to my seat. The cool mask I put on was faltering.

"Nat? You look really shaky are you sure you're okay?"

"Yes Steve I'm fine!"
I snapped tightening my grip on the armrests. My head hit the back of seat in guilt. Control it Natasha. Just like you were trained too.

"I'm sorry"
I whispered. He offered a small smile and looked out to the horizon again. Things were silent after that but a million things ran through my mind. I began to shift uncomfortably in my seat as the temperature rose. It's only a mission I told myself. Nothing you haven't done before. I felt myself subconsciously reaching to my chest trying to release some of the tightness.

"It's this one"
Steve said pointing to a building. Steve broke the lock on the door and we ran down the stairs away from the roof. My gun was shaky in my hands like I'd never held one before. I followed the tracer on my phone. It was hard to focus on the glowing dot. I turned left and stopped abruptly. Steve almost slammed into me

"Sorry the other way"
I said quickly. I pretended not to notice Steve's concerned glare. All the doors started to blend together as I scanned for room 213. I stopped when the tracer beeped. Steve wasted no time kicking down the door.

"This is SHIELD you are under arrest!"
Steve shouted at the man who was sitting behind the computers. I pointed my gun at him. I constantly readjusted my hold as my palms started to become clammy. What if I didn't aim right? What if I'm too slow? Beads of sweat started to blossom on my hairline. I wiped them away. Almost done. We grab him and leave. Then you can be alone to deal with this.

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