Romanogers 6.2

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——————The day of the party

I turned to see Tony pull up in his sports car.

"Get in, the boys and I are having a pre party get together"
I smiled and hoped into the back.

Natasha's POV

I sighed quietly and checked my phone again. 2:25. I'd been waiting here for the past 10 minutes for Steve. Usually he was here before me but giving him the benefit of the doubt I waited for him.
When another five minutes past I began to get slightly worried. I saw one of Steve's friends, Thor I think his name was walk out of the school so I called to him.

"Hello, Natasha right?"

"Yeah, have you seen Steve?"

"I saw him leave with friend Stark about 10 minutes ago"

"Oh. Thanks Thor"

"No problem Natasha, I am actually heading to Starks right now, would you like to join?"

"No it's ok"

"Alright but if you change your mind the party begins at 6:00."
With that he left. I couldn't hide my frustration. Steve decided to hang out with Tony and totally blow me off without even telling me? I let out a breath and started to walk home.

When 6:00 rolled around I actually decided to go to the party only because I wanted to talk to Steve. I slipped into tight jeans and a crop top before heading to Starks. Before I even walked in I could hear music. I followed a bunch of people inside and proceeded to find Steve.

Steve's pov

The party had started and people began to show up filling the house. I sat on a couch with Tony, Thor, Clint and Bruce.
Everything was going great but I couldn't stop the feeling that something was missing, that something was wrong. Trying to distract myself I pulled out my phone and went into iMessage. I almost spit out my drink. I had been so distracted with the party that I hadn't told Natasha.

"Hey Steve?"
I was pulled out of my thoughts when Tony called my name

"What have you been up too lately? You always blow me off on Fridays."

It only now occurred to me that I hadn't really told anyone about my tutoring sessions and I wasn't about too.

"Oh you know nothing special"
I shrugged

"Nothing special!"
I gasped at the familiar voice. Natasha stood directly to my left.

"No that's not-"

"Save it Rogers. I thought you liked having me around! For gosh sakes I was trying to help you. You could have at least told me we would have to reschedule our session"

"Your session?"
Tony said a playful smirk

"Care to fill them in Steve?"
She demanded
I scratched the back of my neck

"Guys this is Natasha, she tutors me on Fridays"

"Why didn't you just say so?"
Clint chimed in

"I was embarrassed"

"You were so embarrassed that you lied to your friends about me?!"

I realized what I said
"Yeah-no I-"

"Fine, if you are to embarrassed to want my help then you can tutor yourself. I hope you pass your midterms"
Natasha said voice dripping with poison.
She began to walk away when she stopped and looked over her shoulder

"I really thought we had something special"
Her voice was so quiet I almost missed it.

"Wait Natasha!"
I wasted no time following her through the crowd. I wiggled my way through people cursing as time ticked by allowing Natasha to get even further from me. Finally I pushed out of the craziness of the party and spirited after Natasha as I saw her walking down the street.

She stopped in her tracks letting me catch up to her.

"What do you want?"

"I'm so sorry, I was so distracted-"

"With your own ego?"
That stung

"I forgot to tell you, I promise that's all it was"
She shifted on her feet unconvinced

"Why were you so embarrassed to tell your friends about me?"
Her arms crossed over her chest defensively

"It's not that I didn't want to tell them about you, it's just needing extra help makes me feel weak, you know?"
She slightly smiled

"Steve, you're one of the strongest guys I know but theirs nothing wrong with needing a little extra help"

"I know and I'm so sorry"

"I know you are Steve, but it still hurts that I mean so little to you that you forgot to tell me. I mean we meet every Friday for goodness sake! Did nothing feel off to you?"

"Don't say that Tasha, you mean so much to me."
I grabbed her dainty hands in mine and held them tightly but comfortingly.

"Steve don't"
She said softly tearing her emerald eyes away from me.

"Why not, I like you Natasha"

"Because I'm mad at you"
She grumbled trying to sound threatening and doing her best to suppress her blush, failing miserably at both.

"And you have every right to be."
I stepped closer to her and ran my fingers along her jaw before settling my hand on her cheek.

"Can you forgive me Tasha?"
I asked resting my head on her shoulder and letting my fingers play with the tips of her curls, I inhaled the intoxicating scent that was simply Natasha. She leaned into my hand that still held her cheek delicately.

She replied after a moment lifting my head to look at her while she placed her hands flat on my chest.

"Is this where we ended last time?"
I whispered teasingly next to her ear reminding her of our time at the park. I could practically feel her heart skip a beat.

I leaned in close when a loud popping sound and a red light lit up the sky.
I chucked and licked my lips looking up at the firework display, letting her pull out of my arms. Again.

She smirked
"Maybe next time Rogers"

This girl is going to be the death of me

Romanogers/Clintasha one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now