Clintasha 17

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Clint's pov

I sighed in relief and let the corners of my mouth turn up happy to be home. The door to my apartment opened quietly.

My eyes bulged at the unexpected shout and I whipped around to see a familiar red head flying towards me. Without hesitation I caught her.

"You're back you're back!"
She pulled out of my arms. A wide toothy smile was plastered across her face.

"Of course I'm back"
I chuckled at her excitement, even if it was three in the morning.
"You didn't have to stay up and wait for me Tasha"
My arm balanced across her shoulders as I pulled her close to place a kiss on her head.

"Yes I did Hawkboy"
She grinned pulling me toward the couch. Happily she sat down, what surrounded her made my gears turn. Natasha wasn't one for sweets, she prefers salty. I noticed a few weeks after I brought her to SHIELD. Because of that, I'd always make sure that whoever went grocery shopping for the tower picked up a bag of chips. So nevertheless I was surprised to find that  a pack of Oreos lay beside her while a bag of gummy worms sat seemingly forgotten on the table. A mug of coffee found its way into her hands. I didn't miss my favourite chocolate hiding under the pillow.
"Come on come on si'down"
She said so quickly I almost wasn't sure what she said. Her legs bounced her up and down.

"Nat how about we put all these sweets away huh?"
I said reaching to grab the chocolate. Quickly with lighting speed the package was snatched out from my fingertips. Natasha smirked as she huddled the chocolate to her chest.

"You know that's mine right?"

"Does it look like I care Clinty?"
Clinty? I watched in amusement as she chugged her coffee and shoved a piece of my chocolate in her mouth. Her eyes squeezed shut briefly from the sweetness but she mumbled happily to herself satisfied.

"I think you're a bit to hopped up on sugar."
Her eyebrows furrowed and she crossed her arms.

"Am not"

"Are too"

She pouted dramatically before breaking out into a smile again unable to stay serious.

"Did you eat my chocolate because you missed me?"
I smirked at her raising an eyebrow. In her compromised state she couldn't hide the blush on her cheeks.

Natasha replied unconvincingly pushing it back under the pillow but not before eating another chunk. I used my thumb to gently wipe the smudge off the corner of her mouth. She giggled.
I had to admit I liked this version of Natasha. So free and giddy. It wasn't often she was like this to begin with and it didn't help that we've been around the team a lot and she definitely didn't plan on showing any emotion besides her cool collected mask.


"Ok fine! You caught me! You're such a good spy Clint"
You heard it here first folks
She finally admitted thinking she had hid her true intentions well. Just as she was about to take another swig of coffee I succeeded in pulling the mug away from her

"You've had enough Tash"
The scent of the drink filled my nose. I stopped. Hazelnut was my favourite coffee. Only I ever drank it.

"You don't like hazelnut"
I told her

"It reminds me of you"
I pulled her to my chest. I decided to ignore the fact that she was basically vibrating in my arms- I didn't want to know how many cups of coffee she had- and focused instead on how she nuzzled into me. The fast pace of her heart beat against my abdomen. Soft laughter escaped my lips. Surrounded by my favourite foods, she'd waited for me to come home. I winced lightly when her fingers ran over a cut along my back. She immediately backed up.

"Clinton why didn't you tell me you were hurt!"
She stomped her foot like a child. Even when she was packed full of energy the use of my full name didn't hesitate to slip through her lips. I could tell this was her attempt at being serious, she didn't use my full name for anything else I noticed.
With newfound strength she pulled me to the bathroom. Concentration written on her face, her tongue stuck out from between her lips. I could see her face in the mirror as she attempted to stitch up my back. Seeing her practically frantic pupils and shaky hands I spun around and caught her wrist. She frowned.

"It's okay Tash. You can do it tomorrow okay?"
I tilted her chin up. Natasha nodded brightly- sadness washed away and energy taking over- throwing my shirt at my face

"Let's get some water in you"
She finished the glass in one big gulp breathing heavily after. Her forrest green eyes met mine shyly as she wiped her lip. She began to calm down a few cups of water later.

"I'm glad you're home"
She said rather loudly still hyped up on the sweets.

"I know Tasha. Now how about we go to bed?"
Personally all I wanted to do was curl up in bed. The mission, though not long, kept me up for two days on a stakeout.

"Not tired"
Her finger poked my chest mockingly. Against my better judgment I huffed and sat down on the couch with her. She snuggled into my shoulder holding my arm. She always said she loved my arms. I rested my cheek on her head. As reruns of Lost played I felt her heartbeat even out. I looked at her and bit the inside of my cheek to hide laughter. Natasha's face was pressed against my arm, mouth wide open, asleep. Guess the sugar crash set in.

"Nat wake up"
She grumbled and hugged my arm tighter. I wrestled it away from her and stood up before she could grab me again. Her eyes cracked open.

"Mhmm I'm never waiting for you again"
She mumbled holding her most likely gut rotted stomach

"Whatever you say Tasha"
I held out a hand and she let me pull her off the couch.

We both let out a sigh of comfort as we wrapped ourselves in the comfy blankets of the bed.
"By the way, your coffee is gross"
She mumbled, face pressed into my pillow as she lay against me. I didn't have to see her smile to know it was there.

"What about my Oreos, gummy worms and chocolate?"
I challenged

"Go on another mission and I'll let you know"
She kissed my shoulder
I huffed dramatically mimicking her. She shoved my arm playfully.

"I'm glad you waited up for me"
I whispered as she drifted off to sleep.

"Every time Clinty"

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