Clintasha 9

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Clint sat silently on the couch of their apartment. Natasha had been on a solo mission and missed the extraction point. Clint was ready to go after her but Phil had stopped him.
So now 14 hours past Natasha's extraction time, Clint sat waiting, hoping that she would walk through that door. He was playing with the hem of his grey shirt when his ears picked up the sound of keys jingling. Immediately he stood up.

There she was.

But something was wrong. Her gate was off, the way she held herself, the way she walked in and closed the door quietly.

He saw her freeze
In one motion he turned on the light. Natasha squinted her eyes.

Her body was littered with cuts. A few deeper gashes caught his attention. Clint took two steps and was gently holding her face looking her over protectively. Natasha's cheekbone sported a purple bruise and her lip was split.

"My Natasha"
He whispered and planted a butterfly kiss on her forehead. He felt her exhale deeply, she was exhausted.

"Let's get you cleaned up yeah?"
She didn't answer so Clint gently helped her to the washroom wether she wanted it or not. Natasha sat on the edge of the bathtub while Clint soaked a cloth in warm water. Carefully he wiped the dried blood off her silky skin. After smoothly removing her suit Clint could see the full extent of her injuries.

"What happened?"
He finally asked continuously cleaning each cut with the cloth, Natasha shivered under his fragile touch.

But before words could come out tears dripped down her face. Clint was growing more concerned by the second. The last time he'd seen her this affected by a mission was when she took down the red room. They'd come back to SHIELD bloodied and bruised and Natasha locked herself in her room. When Clint walked in he found her curled up in the corner holding back sobs. Without question he pulled her into him and whispered in her ear. Natasha finally let it out, the cries wracked her small body but it felt good to cry.

"It's ok Tasha, you don't have to tell me right now okay?"
She nodded, then he reached over her to turn on the shower.

"Call me when your done"
Before he left he placed a delicate kiss on her head.
Natasha winced silently as she removed the rest of her clothes. The water was warm and felt nice on her cool skin. She positioned herself right under the stream of water and closed her eyes. Natasha's red hair formed a dripping curtain around her face, her arms came up to hold her shoulders suddenly feeling cold. Blood and grime swirled down the drain. Natasha felt shaky on her legs and debated to call Clint, instead she crumpled to the bathtub floor in a heap. She stayed under the water and pulled her knees up to her chest resting her chin on top. She wasn't sure how long she'd been like that but her fingers were pruny.

Clint knocked. Natasha opened her mouth to reply but no words came out. He knocked louder before ripping open the door. Without hesitation he slid the shower curtain to one side. His heart ached when he saw her. The whole situation was so unusual. Natasha was always confident and held her guard up whenever something was wrong. And now she sat curled up afraid and fearful.

What Clint did next was nothing new for the two agents. He slipped out of his clothes and climbed into the shower with her. He sat behind her on the floor and shampooed her hair. He massaged her scalp and ran his nails through her hair which Clint knew she loved. Natasha sighed almost pleasantly, she let her head fall back. Once the water washed it out, Clint pulled Natasha up to her feet. He held her waist as she wrapped her arms around him for support. Quickly, without making her cuts bleed more, the luffa brushed across her skin. Clint heard her wince.

"It's ok I promise, almost done"
He'd whispered into her ear, pulling her close. After the conditioner was rinsed out Clint wrapped her in a towel and promptly picked her up and carried her to sit on the counter. He stitched up the few deeper lacerations and cleaned them all with alcohol.

"There. We're done."
Clint had managed to dress her in her pyjamas. She placed a hand on his cheek, Clint stood between her legs.

"The mission went wrong"
She suddenly said.

"I-they kidnapped me and t-tortured me for days. They knew I was coming, the whole thing was a trap."

"Oh Natasha..."
Clint pulled her into his arms, but something still seemed wrong. Natasha had been tortured before and never had she reacted like this. She'd been trained for situations just like this. In fact a year ago the partners were tortured and Natasha had been strong and eventually was the one to break them out.

"What aren't you telling me?"
He asked. Her body tensed in his arms. She pulled away from him but kept her eyes locked onto his.

"They touched me."
She whispered so quietly Clint almost missed it

"Did they..."
He didn't even finish the sentence before she nodded. Clint pounded his fist on the counter, whoever these guys were he was going to rip their throats out. But he pushed the emotion away.

"I'm sorry I should have been there I-"
She placed both hands on his cheeks to stop him from talking.

"No. This was my mission. Don't blame yourself."
She pleaded, fear still in her eyes that would take days to remove. As a tear rolled down Clint's cheeks Natasha kissed it away. Her lips kissed down his cheek before settling on his chapped lips.

"I'll be okay. I'm home."

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