Clintasha 26

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Just watched Crazy Rich Asians for like the millionth time and I was inspired 😍


"Natasha are you paying attention?"

She wasn't. Natasha Romanoff was effectively tuning out her mother who was going on and on about Tony Stark. The billionaire is Irena Romanoff's first choice to be a husband for her daughter. Natasha wasn't so much in agreement. Her mind wandered to something else every time her mother brought up a billionaire who had an eye on the alluring Natasha Romanoff. But as many options as she apparently had, Natasha didn't want to marry any of them. They were all snobby gold diggers- her family owned half of New York after all.


"Mr. Stark is staring at you"
Sure enough he was. All stubble and doe eyes. Natasha flashed a smile just to be nice.

"Darling, you've got to marry someone eventually. We've talked about this. It doesn't look good. People will think-"

"Mom you know by now that I don't care what everyone thinks"

"You should. Our family is very influential darling. We must present ourselves a certain way. No matter what's going on in your head"
The last line was directed specifically to Natasha. She rolled her eyes and found someone across the room. Clint Barton was dressed to the nines in a 3 piece suit, flashing a grin he specifically used at big events like this at the many other rich people attempting to get his attention.

The Barton and Romanoff family has worked together for years. Money was coming out of his eras, not to mention how much her mother liked him. The only problem? Natasha did NOT. Barton, was almost as bad as Stark. Parties, girls, whatever he wanted. The last time he made the headlines it was because someone leaked photos of his New Years party that featured Barton wearing nothing but an ushanka. But Natasha had an idea she'd rather not put to rest.

"Excuse me"
Natasha said quickly to her mother. She picked up the skirt of her dress slightly exposing her expensive heels. Clint, seeing her practically make the crowd part like the Red Sea, also excused himself and met her in the middle to be polite.

Clint grumbled to her through a smile and kissed her hand.
"You look stunning" he smirked, running his eyes over her emerald silk dress. Natasha crossed her arms to cover herself from his gaze.

"Save it. We need to talk"
Then she was grabbing his arms and yanking him through the crowd into a room labeled 'employees only'.
To everyone else it seemed that Clint didn't have a problem with Natasha Romanoff but that was for show. He didn't like her just as much as she didn't like him. The girl is a spoiled princess, well she had to be right? Alright so Clint didn't have a good reason to hate her. He just did

"What the hell Natasha!"
He shouted. She bit her lip quite hard.

"I have a proposal for you, a business deal if you will"

"I'm listening"
Clint was never one to turn down a good business deal.

"I need you to marry me"

"I'm sorry?"

"My mother won't get off my ass about looking perfect to the public and to keep that image I need to get married."

"Or you'll look like an uncontrollable woman who can't hold a husband"
Natasha scowled at him

"Yes. Not to mention you'll have access to my families money"

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