Clintasha 1

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The zipper of my dress was pulled to the top. The white material hugged my body. My red hair stood out against my fair skin, and my lips matched sporting a dark red colour.
The sound of my heels echoed as I walked out of the luxurious hotel and into a limo.
The driver finally pulled into a roundabout parking lot. I stepped out of the car and headed towards the beautiful home, a huge gala for a charity was being held here.

A security guard said waiting to hopefully check my name off.

"Nyla Herr"

"Go on."
Walking inside was amazing. Four diamond chandeliers hung from the high ceiling.
But I wasn't here to admire anything. A massive drug dealer by the name of Shadow was supposed to be here. I walked around, slipping through the crowd when I spotted him. Not surprisingly he was sitting at the bar. As I took the seat beside him I noticed the small bag filled with white powder peeking out of the pocket of his suit.

"I'll take whatever he's having"
I said
Pulling out my cash, Shadow already placed some down on the counter. I took a sip almost immediately, the familiar  burning sensation filled my throat. Not even a moment later I could feel his eyes lingering on me.

"I suppose i owe you a thank you"

"That would be nice"
He smirked

"Nyla Herr"


"Oh really? What's a girl gotta do to get a real name"

"That depends"

"Well then. What do I have to do?"
He stuck out his hand. I took it and was pulled into a dance. His arms snakes around my hips. I placed mine behind his neck. His hands slowly slid down my hips to rest on my ass. Initiating a twirl his hands let me go. He pulled me close to him, I could feel his hot breath on my neck.

"Do I get that name now?"
I whispered

"Depends. Will I get yours? Black widow"
His grip tightened so I couldn't pull away.

"Did you think I wouldn't notice?"

"Let me go, and I let you walk out alive"

"Why do I doubt that?"
He smiled devilishly
My hand reached under my dress to pull out my knife. I pressed the tip into his stomach.

"What do you say we take this outside?"

Once outside I pushed him into the wall in an alley beside the home.

"Where are they?"
I asked holding him against the brick with my forearm at his neck.

"Where are what?"

"Don't play dumb. The drugs. Tell me where you keep them."

"No can do Widow"
I pushed the knife in more causing a wince from him.
I leaned close whispering in his ear.

"I think I can convince you."
My face was inches from his. He eyed my lips hungrily and began to lean towards me. Quickly moving back I jammed the knife into him fully.

"I'm not going to ask again."

"Your right. You won't"
A new voice said.
Whipping around leaving Shadow crippled on the cold ashfault, a man stood a little ways away.
A bow was in hands.

"Hello Hawkeye"

"You're coming with me Widow"
He said notching in an arrow

"I don't think so."
Moving to the side I dodged the arrow. He swung his bow at me but I quickly blocked it and got a punch to his jaw. He pushed me back kicking out my legs. My head hit the ground. He held me down aiming an arrow at my chest.
Looping my legs around his torso I rolled us over. Now I held him down. His bow was thrown to the side.
Just as fast as I'd gotten to this position he was pushing me off. Getting in a lucky punch at my cheek he sprang off the ground and ran to his bow.
I took this as my chance to run. My feet stung against the ground, my heels long forgotten. But before I could get far enough a searing pain erupted from my side. Ignoring it, I ran back to the Main Street and hailed a cab. Deciding I wasn't being followed I went to my safe house.

I stripped off my dress and examined my side. An arrow had gotten a good hit off me, and my head was pounding from hitting it off the ground. Blood stained my hand as I touched the back of my neck. Doing all I could, applying a gauze bandage, I pulled out my burner phone. While dialling a number I dove behind the couch as gun fire broke my window and infiltrated my house. When I heard the light footsteps, I bolted towards my kitchen. Grabbing a knife I ducked behind a wall.
As Hawkeye entered the kitchen I threw the knife at him. He jumped out of the way but only just.
I kneed him in the gut and slammed his head against the counter. While he stumbled I wrapped my arm around his neck. As he struggled to breath, he managed to jam his fist into my side.
Holding in my cry of pain I let go. Hawkeye knocked out my legs and I lay on the ground, out of breath and tired.

"Kill me already. It's what you came to do isn't it?"
His arrow was locked to my chest. But I could see something in his stormy grey eyes. Then he drew back. I closed my eyes ready to die, when I heard a loud thunk. The arrow had imbedded itself into the wall beside my head.

"You have two options. Come with me to SHIELD, or I kill you where you stand."
I thought for a second. SHIELD was corrupted and destructive. But anything was better than dying.

So I nodded.

Romanogers/Clintasha one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now