Romanogers 12

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Steve's pov

When I opened my eyes the sun was barley seeping in through the window. A light orange tint lined the sky but the sun had yet to show. Yawning, I threw on some clothes and headed to the gym like I do every morning.
To my surprise another occupant was beating up a punching bag furiously. Natasha had her red hair pulled into a once neat ponytail, sweat covered her body. How long had she been here? I watched silently as her punches came faster and harder until the bag went flying off the hook.

"What'd it do to you?
I joked lightly
She whipped her head to face me, and then cracked a smile.

"Long night then?"
I inquired more

"Something like that"
She replied unwrapping her shaky hands

"You sure your okay Nat?"

"Yup, fine"
Her reply came quickly

"Gyms all yours"
And then she left


"Agents Rogers and Romanoff please report to Fury's office"
I sighed and put down my cup of coffee. When I got there Natasha sat waiting for me.
Fury explained our mission, Garret Micheals, smuggler. Women have been reported missing in nearing towns to where he supposedly operates. SHIELD thinks he's smuggling them and then selling them off to bidders. It made me sick.

Fury slammed his fists on the table.
She gasped and snapped her head to look at Nick.

"Are you listening to anything I'm saying?"

"Y-yes sir"
She stuttered. Natasha never stutters.

He glared at her
"Jet to Brazil leaves in an hour"

We quickly left his office.

I called grabbing her arm before she could walk away

"What Rogers"
She became defensive. Her attempt to pull out of my grip was weak.

"Are you sure you're okay? You seemed spaced out in there"

"I'm fine alright? I can take care of myself anyway."
She brushed off my question. I studied her and then let go. I wasn't going to get her to open up this way.


The interactions were quick once we landed at the SHIELD base in Brazil. Finding a car, we were off to the safe house. It was located in the little town where most of the women went missing.

I drove silently while Natasha sat still gazing almost lifelessly out the window.

The house wasn't much but it would do.
Without a moment too lose our gear was packed and we marched too the centre of activity.
I could hear Natasha breathing heavily as we pushed through crowds. I glanced her way in concern but pushed on. When the building came into view I almost thought it was the wrong one

"This is it?"
I asked

"Says so"
She replied immediately with little words. Her voice was quiet and came out distorted.

"But it's so- public"
How could people not know what was happening? Why didn't they do something?
She shot me a glance but her eyes were cloudy, her eyelids slipping closed and reopening.

"So how do we do this?"
Natasha looked like she was going to respond before her eyes rolled into the back of her head and she collapsed on the ground

My hands shook her body.

"Natasha wake up"
When she didn't I forced my arms around her and lifted her up smoothly. No one seemed to question anything as I carried the unconscious Natasha through the crowds again. That scared me. How often did Garett's men publicly walk through the streets with unconscious women?

Natasha's body rested on the small couch as I placed a cold cloth on her head.
I sat by her anxiously waiting for her to wake up. When she did I had been in the kitchen. I saw her head pop up over the back of the couch.

She turned her head to face me
I dried my hands and kneeled by her

"What happened back there? And don't say 'nothing'. Something's been off with you since we left for this mission."
She parted her lips listening to me.

"I haven't been sleeping."
She told me
"I wake up every night screaming or crying and I can't do that anymore. I won't."

"Natasha your body needs sleep, it's already shutting down"

"Steve I can't see their faces again"
Her legs now pulled up to her chest as she shook her head

"I know, but this isn't healthy. Please Nat, you need rest."
I helped her shift again so her didn't lay streamline on the couch. A single tear rolled down her cheek and rolled to her nose. She was scared.

"Will you stay? In case I wake up"
I nodded, practically speechless that Natasha was admitting she'd need help.

Silently I sat on the floor.
Unknowingly I had fallen asleep and only became aware of that when I was woken up by screaming. Pulling myself to my feet I began to wake up Natasha.

"Nat wake up! You're not there, please it's Steve!"
I wasn't sure if I'd managed to wake her up or she'd done it herself but she sat up abruptly almost crashing our foreheads together. Now silent, she blankly stared forward.


"I can't make them go away"

"I'm here to help you"

"You can't! It's my own fault I'm haunted, all the terrible things I did"
Her voice shook as she spoke to me
I grabbed her hands in mine

"Natasha you're a hero, don't let anyone tell you otherwise. What happened is in the past, let yourself move on"

"It's so hard"

"We of all people know life isn't easy Tasha"
She offered a smile

"Slay your demon, remember the good you've done, it outweighs the bad. Remember that time you literally ran into a building on the verge of collapsing on a whim because someone thought they heard another inside? You ran right in no hesitation because you're a good person Natasha. And you saved a child. You act through your heart and that's what a good person does."
Natasha's eyes intensely pierced mine. I wasn't quiet sure what she was thinking. Then she delicately placed a hand on my cheek to say thank you before closing her eyes to sleep. My lips formed a smile and I went to stand up.

A tug stopped me. Natashas hand held my pant leg, wordlessly I knew what she wanted.

So I sat down again.

The next time she woke up she seemed more lucid. The sleep had done her well.

"Thank you Steve. I needed someone to remind me that my past doesn't define me."

"I'm glad you're admitting that"

"I forget it sometimes"

"Then I'll be right there to remind you"

Romanogers/Clintasha one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now